Bạn đang xem bài viết ✅ Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 10 sách Cánh diều Ôn tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 học kì 1 ✅ tại website Wikihoc.com có thể kéo xuống dưới để đọc từng phần hoặc nhấn nhanh vào phần mục lục để truy cập thông tin bạn cần nhanh chóng nhất nhé.

Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 10 sách Cánh diều là tài liệu hỗ trợ đắc lực giúp các bạn học sinh củng cố kiến thức làm quen với các dạng bài tập trước khi bước vào kì thi chính thức.

Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 10 học kì 1 Explore new worlds gồm 13 trang mang đến các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm, tự luận kèm theo. Thông qua đề cương ôn thi cuối học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 10 giúp các bạn làm quen với các dạng bài tập, nâng cao kỹ năng làm bài và rút kinh nghiệm cho bài thi học kì 1 lớp 10 sắp tới. Vậy sau đây đề cương ôn thi học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 10 Explore new worlds với cuộc sống, mời các bạn cùng tải tại đây.

Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 10 Explore new worlds

I. Vocabulary : Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences:

1.Farmers …………….. and harrow their land, then plant the rice.

a. pump
b. plough
c. dig
d. dip

2. The result of our exam will be ………… on the website of our school next week.

a. removed
b. taken
c. announced
d. transfered

3. In the …………….. class we study the past and how the world changes.

a. biology
b. physics
c. chemistry
d. history

4. Soccer, volleyball and baseball are all team ……………….

a. sports
b. work
c. spirit
d. learning

5. Christopher Columbus ………………… America.

a. invented
b. made
c. discovered
d. founded

6. Without a quick ………….. after lunch, she can’t work effectively in the afternoon.

a. nap
b. sleep
c. routine
d. game

7. Tuoi Tre is now a ……………….. newspaper. It comes out everyday.

a. yearly
b. monthly
c. weekly
d. daily

8. The …………… can not see anything

a. deaf
b. mute
c. dumb
d. blind

9. A ……………. person cannot hear any kind of sound.

a. mentally retarded
b. deaf
c. blind
d. dumb

Tham khảo thêm:   Thông tư số 65/2012/TT-BNNPTNT Quy định về trình tự, thủ tục cấp giấy chứng nhận kiểm dịch thực vật

10. How can I stop the blender? – …………….. the stop button.

a. Turn
b. Press
c. Plug
d. Put

11.I’ve received her ………………. letter. She says she’ll come after she has gone sightseeing.

a. request
b. confirmation
c. thank you
d. invitation

12.Newspapers and books are ……………….. media.

a. print
b. electronic
c. direct
d. both b & c

13.TV and radio are ……………….. media.

a. print
b. electronic
c. direct
d. both b & c

14. “Who wants to be millionaire ?” is one of the most popular …………….. on VTV3.

a. game shows
b. music shows
c. quiz shows
d. news

15. …………… is the channel for those who enjoy animals.

a. VTV1
b. VTV2
c. VTV3
d. VTV4

16. ……………….. are made to show facts and events.

a. Cartoons
b. Game shows
c. Comedies
d. Documentaries

17. The …………… is the family name.

a. surname
b. first name
c.given name
d. middle name

18. He was ……………… the “ Golden Kite” for being the best film director.

a. enjoyed
b. given
c. sent
d. awarded

19. The ……………. are those who do not have a job.

a. injured
b. unemployed
c. disabled
d. retarded

20. All the data has been ………… on the floppy disk.

a. lost
b. hidden
c. stored
d. packed

21.I can’t stand the car ……….. Therefore, I hate travelling by car.

a. sickness
b. illness
c. disease
d. ailment

22.Mickey Mouse is a famous ……………….. character.

a. play
b. comedy
c. cartoon

23. A …………….. is a film or a play that is intended to be funny , usually with a happy ending

a. cartoon
b. documentary
c. comedy
d. drama

24. Tom and Jerry are the two famous ……………. charaters.

a. cartoon
b. film
c. play
d. comedy

25. It’s harmful to your eyes when you sit in front of the …………………. too long.

a. computer screen
b. VDU
d. a,or b, or c is correct

III. Grammar:

Exercise 1: English tenses

1.I usually ……………… away at weekends.

a. have gone
b. goes
c.am going
d. go

2.I ……………. at 8 o’clock every morning.

a. was getting up
b. got up
c. is getting up
d. get up

3.Bad driving often …………… many accidents.

a. caused
b. caused
c. causes
d. has caused

4.That brown suitcase ……………. to Dr. Smith .

a. belongs
b. has belonged
c, is belonging
d. belonged

Tham khảo thêm:   Những kỹ năng nâng cao cho cao thủ LMHT (Phần 1): Tướng hỗ trợ

5.I …………for Christine. Do you know where she is?

a. look
b. looked
c. am looking
d. looks.

6.When I was young, I ………………to be a singer.

a. have learnt
b. am learning
c. had learnt
d. learnt.

7.I …………….lots about the job so far.

a. have learnt
b. am learning
c. had learnt
d. learnt.

8.They…………me about it last week.

a. was telling
b. told
c. had told
d. would tell

9.My grandfather………….many years ago.

a. had died
b. has died
c. died
d. was dying

10.Ted and Marry………………….for 24 years.

a. have been married
b. married
c. were married
d. has been married.

11.My brother …………………me for weeks .

a. hasn’t phoned
b. didn’t phoned
c. isn’t phoning
d. not phoned

12.How…………..have you known each other?

a. already
b. for
c, long
d. since

13.I’ve ………….to Singapore. I ……………there last year.

a. been/gone
b. gone/went
c. been/went
d. jutst/go


III. Grammar:

Exercise 1: English tenses

1. I usually ……………… away at weekends.

a. have gone
b. goes
c.am going
d. go

2. I ……………. at 8 o’clock every morning.

a. was getting up
b. got up
c. is getting up
d. get up

3. Bad driving often …………… many accidents.

a. caused
b. caused
c. causes
d. has caused

4. That brown suitcase ……………. to Dr. Smith .

a. belongs
b. has belonged
c, is belonging
d. belonged

5. I …………for Christine. Do you know where she is?

a. look
b. looked
c. am looking
d. looks.

6. When I was young, I ………………to be a singer.

a. have learnt
b. am learning
c. had learnt
d. learnt.

7. I …………….lots about the job so far.

a. have learnt
b. am learning
c. had learnt
d. learnt.

8. They…………me about it last week.

a. was telling
b. told
c. had told

d. would tell

9. My grandfather………….many years ago.

a. had died
b. has died
c. died
d. was dying

10. Ted and Marry………………….for 24 years.

a. have been married
b. married
c. were married
d. has been married.

11. My brother …………………me for weeks .

a. hasn’t phoned
b. didn’t phoned
c. isn’t phoning
d. not phoned

12. How…………..have you known each other?

a. already
b. for
c, long
d. since

13. I’ve ………….to Singapore. I ……………there last year.

a. been/gone
b. gone/went
c. been/went
d. jutst/go

14. Look ! A man……………..after the train. He ……………to catch it.

Tham khảo thêm:   Tổng hợp câu hỏi môn Ngữ văn 7 sách Chân trời sáng tạo (Có đáp án) Câu hỏi và đáp án bài tập Ngữ văn 7

a. ran/wants
b. is running/wanted
c. is running/wants
d. runs/wants

15. I……….my key. Can you help me look for it?

a. lose
b. had lost
c. lost
d. have lost.

16. …… ……. to China?

a. Have you ever been
b. Were you ever
c. Have ever you been.
d. Ever have you been

17.A: Would you like something to eat?

B: No, I’m not hungry. I …………. lunch.

a. have just had
b. was having
c. had
d. haven’t had

17.My father …………. for HCMUT from 1995 to 2004.

a. was working
b. has worked
c. had worked
d. worked

18. We haven’t seen each other ……………..

a. one year ago
b. for a long time
c. ten years
d. in a year

19. They………..home after they…………….their work.

a. went/ had finished
b. had gone/ had finished
c. went/ finished
d. had gone/ finished

20. When the students………….the bell, they……….up and………………

a. heard/got/leave
b. hear/got/left
c. heard/got/left
d. heard/get/left

21. He ……………….nothing before he………me.

a. have done/saw
b. was doing/ saw
c. has done/saw
d. had done/saw

22. After they ………….we……….down and……………

a. had gone/sat/rested
b. have gone/sat/rested
c. had gone/sit/rested
d. had gone/had sat/rested.

23. He………..me for what I…………..for his parents.

a. thanked/ had done
b. thanked/will do
c. thanks/ had done
d. thanking/had done

24. My friend………..me for many years when I ……………him last.

a. haven’t seen/ met
b. hadn’t seen/ met
c. hadn’t seen/meet
d. didn’t see/ met.

25. She………..that she already……………Dr Kenly.

a. said/had{already} seen
b. says/ had{already} see
c. had said/ saw
d. said/will see.

26. They ……….him they………..him before.

a. told/ hasn’t met
b. told/ hadn’t met
c. tell/ hadn’t met
d. will tell/hadn’t met

27. The little girl……………what………..to her ice- cream.

a. asked/ had happened
b. asks/ had happened
c. asked/ happens
d. asked/will happen


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