Bạn đang xem bài viết ✅ Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 4: Lesson 1 Soạn Anh 12 i-Learn Smart World trang 39, 40, 41, 42 ✅ tại website Wikihoc.com có thể kéo xuống dưới để đọc từng phần hoặc nhấn nhanh vào phần mục lục để truy cập thông tin bạn cần nhanh chóng nhất nhé.

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 4 Lesson 1 giúp các em học sinh trả lời các câu hỏi tiếng Anh trang 39, 40, 41, 42 để chuẩn bị bài Graduation and Choosing a Career trước khi đến lớp.

Soạn Lesson 1 Unit 4 lớp 12 được biên soạn bám sát theo chương trình SGK i-Learn Smart World 12. Qua đó giúp học sinh nhanh chóng nắm vững được kiến thức để học tốt tiếng Anh 12. Đồng thời giúp thầy cô tham khảo để soạn giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 theo chương trình mới. Vậy sau đây là nội dung chi tiết bài soạn Unit 4 Lớp 12: Lesson 1 trang 39, 40, 41, 42 i-Learn Smart World, mời các bạn cùng theo dõi.

Let’s Talk!

In pairs: Look at the pictures. What are these people doing? What else can people do at university to help them succeed and get good jobs?

Gợi ý đáp án

They are doing experiments, studying and working in groups.

Students can do to help them succeed and get good jobs:

– Students are in a continuous process of honing their professional communication skills, both in spoken and written form.

– It’s a balance between a part-time job and academic life. This experience helps students develop time management and prioritization skills.

– Students encounter numerous challenges, experience setbacks, and grow the ability to adapt.

– Relationships with professors, classmates, and alumni can provide valuable connections in the job market.

– In an era of information overload, the ability to find, filter, and synthesize information is an invaluable skill. Universities teach students how to conduct research, evaluate sources, and make evidence-based decisions. This skill is highly relevant in many careers, where employees must stay informed and make informed choices.

New Words

a. Read the words and definitions, then fill in the blanks with the new words. Listen and repeat.

(Đọc các từ và định nghĩa, sau đó điền từ mới vào chỗ trống. Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)

1. When did you figure out that you wanted to go to university?

(Khi nào bạn nhận ra rằng bạn muốn đi học đại học?)

2. Many people ___________ research when they are at university.

3. I can help you ___________ your forms if you want.

4. My school would ___________ a summer fair every year.

5. How did you ___________ stress before exams?

6. Teachers are always there to ___________.

7. I hope to ___________ some sleep this weekend. I had to stay up late to study most nights.

8. Let’s ___________ this Friday and prepare for our project.

b. Use the words in the boxes to make a phrase, then say what they mean. Add any other phrases like these that you know to the box.

(Sử dụng các từ trong hộp để tạo thành một cụm từ, sau đó cho biết ý nghĩa của chúng. Thêm bất kỳ cụm từ nào khác giống như thế này mà bạn biết vào hộp.)

Gợi ý đáp án

– hang up: end a phone conversation by putting down the phone receiver or pressing the ‘end call’ button

Tham khảo thêm:   Bộ đề thi học kì 1 môn Công nghệ 3 năm 2023 - 2024 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống 4 Đề kiểm tra cuối kì 1 môn Công nghệ lớp 3 (Có ma trận, đáp án)

– hang out: spend a lot of time in a place

– clean up: make yourself clean, usually by washing

– clean out: clean the inside of something carefully and completely

– look up: look for information in a dictionary or reference book, or by using a computer

– look after: be responsible for or to take care of somebody/something/yourself

– look out: warn somebody to be careful, especially when there is danger

c. Use the new words to talk about yourself and your routine.

(Sử dụng những từ mới để nói về bản thân và thói quen của bạn.)

When I can’t figure out something, I usually ask my sister.

Gợi ý đáp án

I am used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.

When I bought the house, my sister helped me out with a loan.

I have a lot of work to catch up on.

I’m trying to get a team together for Saturday.


a. You will hear two students discussing what they think universities should offer. Predict answers to the questions and write your predictions on the prediction line below.

(Bạn sẽ nghe hai sinh viên thảo luận về những gì họ nghĩ các trường đại học nên cung cấp. Dự đoán câu trả lời cho các câu hỏi và viết dự đoán của bạn vào dòng dự đoán bên dưới.)

Gợi ý đáp án

I think they should put on lots of events, have a big library, have a good gym and sports facilities, offer career advice.

b. Now, listen and circle the student who gives more ideas about what universities should offer.

(Bây giờ, hãy lắng nghe và khoanh tròn học sinh nào đưa ra nhiều ý tưởng hơn về những gì các trường đại học nên cung cấp.)


Gợi ý đáp án

Peter has 3 advices and Mary has 2.

→ Peter.

c. Listen again and answer the questions. Write your answers on the answer line. How many answers did you predict correctly?

(Nghe lại lần nữa và trả lời câu hỏi. Viết câu trả lời của bạn vào dòng trả lời. Bạn đã dự đoán đúng bao nhiêu câu trả lời?)

Gợi ý đáp án

1. They make a list of what they think is most important and just focus on that.

Thông tin: Maybe we should make a list of what we think is most important and just focus on that.

2. They should offer research opportunities.

Thông tin: I think they should offer research opportunities. I want to be a scientist. So I need to carry out research while I’m at university.

3. They areperformances, cultural affairs, and especially job fairs.

Thông tin: I think they should put on lots of events. What kind of events like performances, cultural affairs, and especially job fairs? I think they’re really important to help us find jobs after we graduate.

4. University is going to be really difficult and stressful.

Thông tin: I think they should have a good gym and sports facilities. Students need to work out and relax. University is going to be really difficult and stressful.

5. a counselor or a teacher.

Thông tin: Yeah, I think they should also offer career advice. Maybe a counselor or a teacher to help out.

d. Read the Conversation Skill box, then listen and repeat.

(Đọc hộp Kỹ năng hội thoại, sau đó nghe và lặp lại.)

e. Now, listen to the conversation again and circle the phrase(s) that you hear.

Tham khảo thêm:   Lịch sử 12 Bài 6: Nước Mĩ Soạn Lịch sử 12 trang 46

(Bây giờ, hãy nghe lại đoạn hội thoại và khoanh tròn (các) cụm từ mà bạn nghe được.)

Gợi ý đáp án

Well, thanks (, Mary). I’m going to …

f. In pairs: Do you agree with Mary and Peter’s ideas? Why? Which of their points do you think is most important?

(Theo cặp: Bạn có đồng ý với ý kiến của Mary và Peter không? Tại sao? Bạn nghĩ điểm nào của họ là quan trọng nhất?)

Gợi ý đáp án

Mary and Peter’s ideas for what a university should offer are reasonable and reflect common priorities for students. Peter’s suggestion of having research opportunities at the university aligns with the academic aspirations of many students. Conducting research allows students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are valuable for future careers or further academic pursuits.


a. Read about the phrasal verbs, then fill in the blank.

(Đọc về các cụm động từ rồi điền vào chỗ trống.)

The university counselor can help people ____________ personal problems.

Gợi ý đáp án

The university counselor can help people deal with personal problems.

b. Listen and check. Listen again and repeat.

(Nghe và kiểm tra. Nghe lại và lặp lại.)

c. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

(Điền vào chỗ trống dạng đúng của động từ trong khung.)

1. Do you need help _________ out your forms?

2. I want to _________ out lots of scientific research while I’m at university.

3. I hope they _________ on a job fair this year like they did last year.

4. _________ with stress is something a lot of teenagers struggle with before graduation.

5. I was sick all last week and missed class. I really need to _________ up on my schoolwork.

6. I haven’t _________ out what career I want yet.

7. My friend needs some support with his project, so I’m going to _________ him out.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. Do you need help fill out your forms?

2. I want to carry out lots of scientific research while I’m at university.

3. I hope they put on a job fair this year like they did last year.

4. Dealing with stress is something a lot of teenagers struggle with before graduation.

5. I was sick all last week and missed class. I really need to catch up on my schoolwork.

6. I haven’t figure out what career I want yet.

7. My friend needs some support with his project, so I’m going to help him out.

d. Circle the correct phrasal verb.

(Khoanh tròn cụm động từ đúng.)

Gợi ý đáp án

1. They want to put on a job fair.

2. If I don’t catch up on my assignments, I think I’ll be in big trouble.

3. Do you need help putting on your forms?

4. My brother is carrying out some experiments tomorrow.

5. When should we get together?

6. I’m going to help you out with your assignment later.

e. In pairs: Use phrasal verbs and the prompts to tell your partner what you’re busy doing this weekend.

(Theo cặp: Sử dụng các cụm động từ và lời nhắc để cho đối phương biết bạn bận làm gì vào cuối tuần này.)

Gợi ý đáp án

I have to fill out this form for my university application.

I have to figure out which university I will attend.

I have to put on an end-of-year party.

Tham khảo thêm:   Thủ tục tiếp nhận học sinh Việt nam về nước cấp THPT

I have to catch up on my Spanish homework.


a. When a word ends with /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/ or /g/, and the next word starts with the same sound, we often need to pause between the two sounds.

‘… right tie …’ cannot be pronounced /raitai/ as it would mean ‘right eye’.

b. Listen. Notice the sound changes of the underlined letters.

(Nghe. Chú ý sự thay đổi âm thanh của các chữ cái được gạch chân.)

The university counselor can help people deal with personal problems.

We didn’t have a chance to get together.

c. Listen and cross out the sentence that doesn’t follow the note in Task a.

(Nghe và gạch bỏ câu không theo ghi chú ở bài tập a.)

Gợi ý đáp án

We think kids should help out around schools and universities

d. Practice reading the sentences with the sound changes noted in Task a to a partner.

(Luyện đọc các câu có sự thay đổi âm thanh được ghi chú trong Bài tập a cho bạn cùng lớp.)


a. Listen, then take turns talking about how important each thing is using the pictures and prompts.

(Nghe, sau đó lần lượt nói về tầm quan trọng của từng việc bằng cách sử dụng hình ảnh và lời nhắc.)

Gợi ý đáp án

– I think having a place to work out would be good.

– Why?

– Because it would help us do exercise and reduce stress.

– Good point. You’ve given me a lot to think about.

– I think having healthy food in cafeteria would be good.

– Why?

– Because it would help us spend less time cooking and more time studying.

– Good point. You’ve given me a lot to think about.

– I think volunteer opportunities would be good.

– Why?

– Because they would help us have good experience and look good to future employers.

– Good point. You’ve given me a lot to think about.

– I think having a big library would be good.

– Why?

– Because it would help us have a place to study and catch up on work.

– Good point. You’ve given me a lot to think about.

– I think putting on different events would be good.

– Why?

– Because they would help us get together or socialize and network to help get a better job.

– Good point. You’ve given me a lot to think about.

b. Practice with your own ideas.

(Thực hành với ý tưởng của riêng bạn.)


a. You’re choosing a university to help prepare you for your future job. In pairs: Look at the suggestions. Discuss and choose the three most important things to you and note them below.

(Bạn đang chọn một trường đại học để giúp bạn chuẩn bị cho công việc tương lai. Theo cặp: Nhìn vào những gợi ý. Thảo luận và chọn ba điều quan trọng nhất đối với bạn và ghi chú chúng dưới đây.)

b. Join another pair. Discuss your ideas. What do you agree on? What don’t you agree on?

(Tham gia một cặp khác. Thảo luận về ý tưởng của bạn. Bạn đồng ý về điều gì? Bạn không đồng ý về điều gì?)

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