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Đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 3

Name: ___________________________ Marks:

I. Complete the words:

  1. They’re fl_ing k_te_.
  2. Mai is in the di_ing room.
  3. Ha_ you g_t any _orto_ses? – _ _ _, I have.
  4. Whe_e is your dog? – He’s cha_ing a mo_se.
  5. Ha_ she go_ any _ets? Yes, she _ a_. She has got a gree_ par_ot and_leven go_ _fish.

II. Circle the odd one out:

  1. Mother school father sister
  2. Big book pen ruler
  3. Bedroom kitchen bathroom garden
  4. She he living room I
  5. Sunny windy rainy tortoise
  6. Am weather are is
  7. Dog bird fish robot
  8. Ship doll ball have

III. Select and circle A, B or C:

1. What are they doing? – They are _____ with paper boat.

Tham khảo thêm:   Tập làm văn lớp 5: Hãy tưởng tượng và tả lại một nhân vật trong truyện Nàng tiên cá Tả lại một nhân vật trong truyện em đã đọc lớp 5

A. doing B. making C. playing

2. Has she got any pet? – No, she_____.

A. has B. hasn’t C. haven’t

3. How many ______ are there in your bedroom? – There are two.

A. chair B. chairs C. x

4. What’s Mai doing? – She ______.

A. play cycling B. cycling C. cycles

5. How old is your_______? – He’s thirty-four.

A. sister B. mother C. father

6. What is the———- today?

A. activity B. colour C. weather

7. ——— many cats do you have?

A. Why B. How C. What

8. what _____ are your dogs? – They are black and white.

A. colour B. yellow C. sunny

IV. Read and complete the table:

Her house is in the town. There are eight rooms. There are three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms in the house. There is one kitchen in the house. It is large.

Rooms of the house


Living room(s):


V. Matching:

1. How old is your father?

2. How old are you?

3. Where are her dolls?

4. What is he doing?

5. What are they playing?

6. What’s the weather like today?

7. Has she got a robot?

8. How many goldfish have you got?

9. Where are your yo-yo?

10. what colour are your roses?

11. How many bedrooms are there in your house?

12. Where is your cat?

13. What is your mother doing?

14. What colour is it?

15. Where is Mai?

A. They are behind the picture.

B. They are playing hide-and-seek.

C. He is thirty-two

D. He’s making paper boats.

E. She’s in the garden.

F. No, she hasn’t.

G. It is violet.

H. He’s chasing a rat.

I. I’ve got five goldfish.

J. I’m nine.

K. They are over there, on the chair.

L. They are red.

M. It’s windy and cloudy.

N. There are three.

O. She’s cooking in the kitchen.

Tham khảo thêm:   Lời bài hát Xin Lỗi

Cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi bài viết Đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 3 Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 3 chương trình mới của Wikihoc.com nếu thấy bài viết này hữu ích đừng quên để lại bình luận và đánh giá giới thiệu website với mọi người nhé. Chân thành cảm ơn.


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