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Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 10 học kì 2 bao gồm sách Global Success, i-Learn Smart World giới hạn nội dung ôn thi kèm theo một số dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm, tự luận kèm theo. Thông qua đề cương ôn thi cuối học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 giúp các bạn làm quen với các dạng bài tập, nâng cao kỹ năng làm bài và rút kinh nghiệm cho bài thi học kì 2 lớp 10 sắp tới. Vậy sau đây đề cương ôn thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 năm 2022 – 2023, mời các bạn cùng tải tại đây.

Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 Global Success


Theme: Gender Equality, Vietnam and International Organisations, New ways to learn, Protecting the environment, Ecotourism


– Talking about career choices

– Talking about programmes for communities

– Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of online learning

– Talking about environmental solutions

– Talking about how to become an ecotourist Listening: Listening for specific information


– stress of words

– consonant and vowel sounds


– Write about jobs for men and women

– Write about Vietnam’s participation in international organisations

– Write about the benefits of blended learning

– Write about a wildlife organisation

– Write a website advertisement for an ecotour.


– Passive voice with modals

– Comparison

– Relative clauses: defining and non-defining

– Reported Speech

– Conditional sentences: type 1 & 2 B. PRACTICE TESTS PHONETICS

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. advantages

B. experiences

C. finishes

D. provides

2. A. treated

B. performed

C. married

D. offered

3. A. educated

B. dentist

C. trade

D. hardware

4. A. improved

B. attracted

C. exported

D. provided

5. A. blended

B. improved

C. sighted

D. visited

6. A. contaminate

B. deforest

C. pollute

D. protect

7. A. physical

B. domestic

C. kindergarten

D. pilot

8. A. commit

B. promote

C. economic

D. poverty

9. A. regional

B. gender

C. surgeon

D. singular

10. A. essential

B. expert

C. experience

D. economic

11. A. distract

B. tablet

C. strategy

D. exchange

12. A. immediate

B. schedule

C. blended

D. lesson

13. A. schedule

B. research

C. charming

D. exchange

14. A. discuss

B. purpose

C. upload

D. understand

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15. A. original

B. strategy

C. advantage

D. gorilla

16. A. protection

B. control

C. pollution

D. forest

17. A. biodiversity

B. climate

C. gorilla

D. giant

18. A. tortoise

B. ecosystem

C. biodiversity

D. promotion

19. A. discuss

B. issue

C. fossil

D. classroom

20. A. pesticide

B. impact

C. focus

D. practical

Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

1. A. promote

B. support

C. research

D. nature

2. A. aware

B. protect

C. impact

D. danger

3. A. control

B. exchange

C. focus

D. install

4. A. upload

B. prepare

C. discuss

D. textbook

5. A. rural

B. gender

C. labour

D. promote

6. A. invest

B. product

C. respect

D. promote

7. A. connect

B. distance

C. knowledge

D. access

8. A. combine

B. harmful

C. disease

D. destroy

9. A. patient

B. eyesight

C. mistake

D. pilot

10 A. solution

B. habitat

C. endangered

D. awareness

11. A. serious

B. influence

C. energy

D. pollutant

12. A. disappear

B. average

C. consequence

D. negative

13. A. environment

B. electrical

C. ecosystem

D. material

14. A. natural

B. chemical

C. atmosphere

D. solution

15. A. technical

B. encourage

C. personal

D. confident

16. A. connection

B. internet

C. suitable

D. digital

17. A. experience

B. interaction

C. responsible

D. familiar

18. A. equality

B. parachute

C. violence

D. secretary

19. A. essential

B. poverty

C. quality

D. regional

20. A. traditional

B. communicate

C. economic

D. intelligence


1.Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box. PART











1. The report on equality may be completed by April.

2. The surgeon an eight-hour operation on my grandpa yesterday.

3. Women tend to become nurses, secretaries, or shop assistants, which are jobs.

4. According to some psychological experts, the fact that women have to work more than men at home is one of the signs of gender .

5. Girls who get married at an early age might become victims of domestic

6. Women have to face daily violence and unequal both at home and at work.

7. Men and women have the same abilities to learn and apply medical

8. Is the job done by men or women, Jim?

9. There are numerous advantages for Vietnam as a member of different international

10. Viet Nam has become one of the most popular for foreign tourists in the world.












1. UNDP has done a lot to help developing countries reduce .

2. It particularly to support the most disadvantaged children all over the world.

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3. Its main goal is world .

4. Vietnam has also become more attractive to foreign .

5. The WTO is the world’s largest international _ organisation.

6. Through activities, Viet Nam has helped achieve peace in the global community.

7. Medical are predicting a massive rise in obesity-related illnesses.

8. Learning in a traditional classroom also has fewer than learning online.

9. One benefit of learning is that students can connect with others and help solve problems more quickly.

10. One disadvantage of online learning is that we really need a fast internet .


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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn tiếng Anh 10 i-Learn Smart World


Theme: Inventions,  Ecology and the Environment, Travel and Tourism, New Ways to Learn

 B. Các dạng bài tập:

1. Pronunciation

2. Choose the best answer (vocabulary and grammar)

3. Error identification

4. Reading (Cloze test & Reading comprehension)

5. Word formation

6. Writing (Sentence building & sentence transformation)



Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.



Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. env i ronment B. fertil i zer C. ed i tor D. sc i entist
2. A. dispos a l B. inorg a nic C. chemic a l D. natur a l
3. A. red u ction B. poll u tion C. sol u tion D. concl u sion
4. A. Con s ume B. rin s e C. re s ource D. Organi s e
5. A. D i verse B. R i tual C. Br i desmaid D. Dec i sive
6. A. C e remony B. Prosp e rous C. Pr e stige D. Pr e sent (n)
7. A. Prop o se B. Appr o val C. Gr oo m D. S u perstition
8. A. Ori g inate B. Presti g ious C. en g agement D. reli g ious
9. A. pr e servation B. e nroll C. pr e ference D. s e condary
10. A. s ue B. s pend C. s ure D. pur s ue
11. A. dep e ndent B. e ducate C. d e votion D. acc e pt
12. A. b e nefit B. e ncourage C. e ncounter D. impl e ment
13. A. a ccess B. a ffect C. a pplication D. f a ct
14. A. d i gital B. f i ngertip C. ident i fy D. mob i le
15. A. prepara tion B. applica tion C. sugges tion D. educa tion

Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the others.

16. A. fertilizer B. ecosystem C. agriculture D. environment
17. A.machinery B. independent C.preservation D.conservation
18. A. psychological B. environmental C. biological D. deforestation
19. A. atmosphere B. influence C. contaminate D. instrument
20. A. deplete B. preserve C. sewage D. pollute
21. A. reasonable B. appropriate C. enjoyable D. accessible
22. A. identify B. disadvantage C. technology D. eliminate
23. A. introduce B. understand C. consider D. entertain
24. A. limit B. demand C. research D. distract
25. A. culture B. diverse C. fortune D. altar
26. A. reception B. embarrass C. devoted D. symbolise
27. A. freedom B. gender C. image D. admire
28. A. expense B. educate C. college D. income
29. A. success B. famous C. courage D. office
30. A. maintain B. perform C. prefer D. offer
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Vocabulary: Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence.

1. Since the appearance of electronic devices, lessons have become more and more _____ and effective.

A. enjoyable
B. disruptive
C. accessible
D. inappropriate

2. The phrase “____ natives” refers to people who are familiar with computers and the Internet from an early age.

A. device
B. portable
C. electronic
D. digital

3. Burning garbage _____ dangerous gases to the environment, and this may lead to global warming.

A. throws
B. sends
C. emits
D. rejects

4. Intensive pesticide and fertilizer sprays used in agriculture have resulted in the serious____of water, soil and land.

A. protection
B. pollution
C. deforestation
D. consumption

5. ________ is a term that refers to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment.

A. Wildlife
B. Biodiversity
C. Challenge
D. Investigation

6. The _________ rate of students in high schools is said to increases sharply this year.

A. equality
B. gender
C. discrimination
D. enrolment

7. A man who is getting married or about to get married is a__________.

A. bride
B. bridegroom
C. bridesmaid
D. best man

8. A______ is a ceremony at which two people are married to each other.

A. reception
B. banquet
C. wedding
D. proposal

9. The bride may have one or more __who keep the bride calm, help her get ready and look after her dress.

A. bridegrooms
B. bridesmaids
C. best men
D. fiancé

10. Digital lessons are available in a variety of webpages and they can be freely ____and stored in your computers.

A. uploaded
B. downloaded
C. printed
D. distracted

11. Personal electronic devices which ______students from their class work are banned in most schools.

A. benefit
B. protect
C. distract
D. submit

12. Thanks to the Internet, students can look _______new words in online dictionaries.

A. in
B. on
C. at
D. up

13. Her parents were delighted that their daughter was engaged ____such a nice young man.

A. with
B. for
C. to
D. at

15. Jack and Linda ______ last week. They just weren’t happy together.

A. broke up
B. broke into
C. finished off
D. ended up

16. We must solve the problem of air pollution immediately for the ___ of the people living in this place.

A. role
B. side
C. sake
D. ritual

17. Now, if you’d all please raise your glasses, I’d like to make a ________ to the bride and groom.

A. toast
B. heat
C. roast
D. bake

18. The car owner sued the truck driver _________ the damage he caused to her car in the accident.

A. about
B. on
C. to
D. for

19. Non-renewable energy sources are running ____.

A. up
B. on
C. to
D. out


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