Bạn đang xem bài viết ✅ Bài tập viết lại câu luyện thi IOE Tiếng Anh lớp 5 Luyện thi IOE lớp 5 cấp quốc gia ✅ tại website Wikihoc.com có thể kéo xuống dưới để đọc từng phần hoặc nhấn nhanh vào phần mục lục để truy cập thông tin bạn cần nhanh chóng nhất nhé.

Bài tập viết lại câu luyện thi IOE Tiếng Anh lớp 5 bao gồm hơn 100 bài tập cho các em thỏa sức ôn luyện, để đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi IOE. Những dạng bài tập này sẽ giúp các em vừa học thêm kiến thức mới, vừa ôn luyện những kiến thức cũ hiệu quả. Mời các em cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết dưới đây:

200 câu Tiếng Anh luyện thi IOE lớp 5 cấp huyện

200 câu Tiếng Anh luyện thi IOE lớp 3 cấp huyện

Bài tập viết lại câu luyện thi IOE Tiếng Anh lớp 5


Bài 1

1. Nam is tall. Hung is taller. (than)

2. Let’s go camping in Suoi Mo. (don’t)

3. How much is a bottle of cooking oil? (does)

4. Nga usually walks to school. (on)

5. No body in my class is fatter than Hoang. (fattest)

6. What time does she go to work? (when)


7. She likes noodles. (favorite)


8. What is the price of these apples? (cost)


9. The car is blue. (a)

10. It’s always hot in the summer. (never)


11. Does Phong’s school have forty classrooms? (are)

12. The Mekong river is longer than the red river. (shorter)

13. What is the width of the Great wall? (wide)

14. Phuong has a brother, Nam. (is)


15. My father usually drives to work. (by)

……………………………………………. …………

16. There are forty students in my class. (has)

17. The flower garden is in front of the house. (behind)

18. We usually ride to school. (bike)

19. The school is big. (it)

20. Apple juice is her favorite drink. (she)

21. How many oranges do you want? (would)


22. How much is a bowl of noodles? (does)

23. There are many students in our class. (has)

24. Why don’t we sing an English song? (what)


25. My sister cycles to the supermarket. (by)


26. The country is great. (a)

27. The girls are beautiful. (they)

28. The Amazon River is longer than the Mekong River. (as)

29. Minh is shorter than Nam. (as)

30. Miss White is younger than Mrs Green. (old)


31. There is a lot of rain in Viet Nam. (rains)

32. My room is smaller than your room. (as)

33. No house on the street is older than this house. (the)


34. Hang is the fattest girl in my class. (fatter)

35. The Red River is 1,200 kilometers long. The Nile River is 6,437 kilometers long. (much longer)

36. The bookstore is to the left of his house. (right)

37. The building is tall. (it)

… ……………………………………………………………….
38. Tom drives to work every morning. (by)

39. How much meat do you want? (would)

……………………….. ……………………………….
40. This box has twenty packets of tea. (there)

41. What is the price of the two notebooks? (cost)

Tham khảo thêm:   Văn mẫu lớp 12: Suy nghĩ câu nói Đối xử với bản thân bằng lí trí đối xử với người khác bằng tấm lòng Những bài văn hay lớp 12


42. Phong has a siter, Nhung. (brother)

.. ……………………………………………………

43. He goes to work at seven fifteen. (a)

44. Does your school have over eight hundred students? (there)


45. That motorbike belongs to Mr.Trung. (Mr.Trung’s)

46. There are four people in her family. (has)

………………………………………………………….. ……

47. My house is behind the hotel (front)

………………………………………………………. …………

48. Does your class have twenty – five students. (are)

……………………………………. …?
49. He goes to work at seven fifteen. (a)

…………………………………………. …………

50. My brother is driving to work now (car)

…………………………………………….. …………

51. Huyen walk to school everyday. (on)

………………………………………. ………….
52. Does your school have over 800 pupils? (there)

53. You have 6 children. (in)

…………………. …………………………………….
54. How much is a bowl of noodles? (cost)


55. What is the price of a cake and an orange? (much)

-……………………. ………………………………………………….?

56. Shall we go camping in Con Vanh Beach this Sunday? (let’s)

57. What is the price of a bottle of cooking oil? (does)

58. Is the police station is behind the post office? (in)

……… …………………………………………………..
59. My father is driving his car to Ha Noi. (by)

60. Nam’s father’ car is white. (a)


61. How much beef do you want? (like)


62. There are three floors in my new house. (has)

63. I cycle to school every day. (by)


64. What’s your brother’s job? (What)

65. Phong has a sister. Her name is Nhung. (Phong’s)


66. Does Phong’s school have forty classrooms? (there)

67. Mr Minh has a son, Trung. (is)

68. Huyen walks to school every afternoon. (on)

69. Phuong has a brother, Nam. (is)

70. My father usually drives to work. (by)

71. Does your have twenty-five students? (there)

72. His teeth are small and white. (has)

73. Phuong has a brother, Nam (is)

74. The girl is beautiful. (she)

75. How about going to the zoo? (go)

76. How much are these shoes? (do)

77. Close your book, please! (open)

78. The Nile River is longer than the Mekong River(as)


79. We have a lot of work to do. (there)

……………. ……………………………………………………

80. You have six children(number)

…….. …………………………………………………

81. On the table are 2 cups of tea(there)


82. He often flies to Bangkok(by)


83. Our house is far from the school. (not)

84. How many oranges do you want? (like)

…… ………………………………………?

85. huyen walks to school every morning. (on)

86. does your school have over eight hundred students? (are)


87. that motorbike belong to Mr Trung(owner)

88. My brother is driving to work now. (by)

89. This exercise is very difficult and I can’t do it. (too)

Bài 2

1. Tim’s father has more vacations than Hoa’s father. (FEWER)


2. Why don’t we go to the cafeteria? (ABOUT)


3. Mai drinks more milk than her brother. (LESS)


4. The blue hat is more expensive than the yellow one. (CHEAPER)

5. We will have a vacation that lasts for three months. (THREE MONTHS)

6. Nam will visit his grandparents tonight. (GOING)

7. My mother likes walking better than cycling. (prefers)
8. Why don’t we go to the movies this weekend? (ABOUT)

9. They like to travel to Nha Trang on their vacation. (ENJOY)

Tham khảo thêm:   Văn mẫu lớp 10: Phân tích 16 câu đầu bài thơ Tình cảnh lẻ loi của người chinh phụ Dàn ý + 8 Mẫu Tình cảnh lẻ loi của người chinh phụ 16 câu đầu

10. Let’s see a detective film. (HOW)

11. Reading is more boring than watching TV. (INTERESTING)

12. We will make a Sapa tour that lasts four days. (FOUR DAY)


13. My father is a careful driver. à (DRIVES)

14. She gave me a note that worths fifty dollars. à (DOLLAR)


15. Hoa hates the noise and the busy roads in the city. (LIKE)

16. I like video games better than computer games. (TO)


17. Let’s go to the amusement center. à (don’t


18. You should wash your hands before meals. (OUGHT)


19. Children like picture books very much. (IN)

20. Michael Jordan is a skillful basketball player. (PLAYS)


21. Let’s go to the beach. (WHY)


22. The sailors like the sea better than the land. (PREFERS)


23, Do you want me to help you? (Shall)

24, Shall we go to the zoo? (Let’s)


25, My father will have dinner. After that he will watch TV. (……. first, then …)

26, Is there a garden in your house? (have)

27, My friend doesn’t have any stamps. (no)

28, Do you have to get up early every day? (must)

29, Nam can speak English very well. (able)

30, The sun is shinning today. (sunny)

31, Let’s go to the cinema tonight. (SHALL)


32, What is your weight? (HOW)


33, She is able to speak English to her teacher. (CAN)


34, What a lovely cat!(HOW)

35, Shall I make you a cup of coffee? (WANT)


36, When is your birthday? (WHAT)

37, Where were you born? (WHAT)


38, Hoang will be eighteen next month. (EIGHTEENTH)

39, It takes me two hours to get to Hanoi by motorbike. (SPEND)


40, They live at 83 Son Tay Street. (THEIR)


41, How excellent the girl is!(WHAT)

42, It is one fifty. (TO)


43, What’s your address? (DO)

44, Finding an apartment in a big city is not easy. (IT)

45, It is necessary to learn English well. (LEARNING)

46, We should get up early every day. (NOT)

47, How wide is this room? (WHAT)


48, Don’t forget to lock the front door before you leave. (SURE)


49, No one in my class is hard-working than Nam. (THE)

50, What is your date of birth? (WHEN)

51, Going swimming in the summer is very interesting. (IT)

52, Math is a more difficult subject than other ones. (NO)

53, I am very glad to see you all again. (IS)

54, What about going to the sea for a change? (GO)


55, Nam will be 20 next month. (IT)

56, No one in the class is taller than Thanh. (AS)

57, Hoa is better at playing tennis than me. (PLAYS)

58, I don’t make friends easily. (HAVE)

59, Would you like me to make you some tea? (WILL)

60, We enjoy playing football very much. (IN)


61, James is able to draw much more beautifully than his friend. (CAN’T)

62, They are never late for school. (ALWAYS)

63, Why don’t you take a short nap every noon? (SUGGEST)


64, I walk to school in fifteen minutes every morning. (TAKES)

65, I have fewer books than he does. (MORE)

Tham khảo thêm:   Tử vi Áo Bí biện chứng học Xem tướng số qua tử vi

66, Do you want me to help you with these cases? (SHALL)


67, The film is very amusing. (WHAT)

68, The meeting lasts for two hours. (HOUR)


69, They are building a bridge which is two kilometers long. (KILOMETER)


70, The trips lasts ten days. (DAY)

71, The recess lasts thirty minutes. (A)

72, The road is fifty miles long. (A)

73, This hamburger costs ten thousand dong. (IT)

74, They are reading a comic which has one hundred pages. (A)


75, I don’t have so many storybooks as my sister does. (FEWER)

76, My friends have more music CD’s than I do. (AS)

77, My brother drinks more coffee than my sister does. (AS)

78, She eats more chocolate than I do. (LESS)

79, There isn’t as much rice in the bowl as there is on the plate. (MORE)

80, She has less homework to do than he does. (MORE)

81, There are more girls in my class than there are in hers. (MANY)


82, There isn’t as much milk in my glass as there is in yours. (MORE)

83, There are fewer theaters in a small city than there are in a big one. (SO)


84, There is less noise in the country than there is in the city. (AS)


85, I get to work in half an hour. (TAKES)

86, Do you have a cheaper computer then this? (CHEAPEST)

87, How much is this dictionary? (DOES)

88, It isn’t important for you to finish the work today. (HAVE)


89 There are over eight hundred stamps in Tom’s collection. (HAS)

90, We enjoy playing football very much. (IN)

91, The boy spends three hours a day learning the lessons. (LEARN)

92, The library contains over 30 million books. (ARE)

93, How terrible the weather is!(WHAT)


94, He looks after the sick people in a local hospital. (OF)

95, Do you enjoy listening to music? (OF)

96, What is your mother’s job? (DOES)


97, What a beautiful Christmas tree!(HOW)

98, My sister couldn’t swim last year. (ABLE)

99, How much did you weigh two years ago? (HEAVY)

100, The road is 10 miles long. (THE)

101, His height is 5 feet. (TALL)
102 How broad is the window? (WHAT)

103, It is not easy to learn English well. (LEARNING)

104. Mr.Thanh couldn’t enjoy the meal because of the stomachache. (FROM)


105. What is your daughter’s age, Mrs. Mai? (OLD)


106. Lan didn’t go to school yesterday because of her sickness. (WAS)


107. You shouldn’t eat too much meat. (BETTER)


108. How heavy is the chicken? (WHAT)


109. Miss Lan is a fast runner. (RUNS)

Miss Lan runs………………………………………………………………………….

110. Mr.Hung is a safe driver. (DRIVES)

Mr. Hung drives………………………………………………………………………

111. Minh’s sister dances marvelously. (IS)

Minh’s sister is………………………………………………………………………..

112. Mrs. Oanh cooks well. (IS)

Mrs. Oanh is………………………………………………………………………………

Cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi bài viết Bài tập viết lại câu luyện thi IOE Tiếng Anh lớp 5 Luyện thi IOE lớp 5 cấp quốc gia của Wikihoc.com nếu thấy bài viết này hữu ích đừng quên để lại bình luận và đánh giá giới thiệu website với mọi người nhé. Chân thành cảm ơn.


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