Bạn đang xem bài viết ✅ Bài tập về mạo từ Tiếng Anh (Có đáp án) Bài tập tiếng Anh cho trẻ em ✅ tại website Wikihoc.com có thể kéo xuống dưới để đọc từng phần hoặc nhấn nhanh vào phần mục lục để truy cập thông tin bạn cần nhanh chóng nhất nhé.

Mạo từ tiếng Anh là một trong những kiến thức quan trọng mà các em học sinh cần nắm vững để học tốt môn tiếng Anh.

Trong chương trình tiếng Anh tiểu học từ lớp 1 đến lớp 5, các mạo từ a, an, the rất dễ hay gặp nhầm lẫn khi sử dụng và cũng thường xuất hiện nhiều trong các bài thi tiếng Anh. Để làm tốt dạng bài tập về mạo từ tiếng Anh các bạn cần nắm rõ kiến thức sử dụng của các mạo từ này và thực hành các bài tập dưới dây cũng sẽ rất tốt để củng cố thêm kiến thức của mình.

Bài tập về mạo từ Tiếng Anh

I. Chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào chỗ trống (chú ý: ký hiệu “x” có nghĩa là không cần mạo từ)

1. We are looking for _______ place to spend ________ night.

A. the/the

B. a/the

C. a/a

D. the/a

2. Please turn off ________ lights when you leave ________ room.

A. the/the

B. a/a

C. the/a

D. a/the

3. We are looking for people with ________experience.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. x

4. Would you pass me ________ salt, please?

A. a

B. the

C. an

D. x

5. Can you show me ________way to ________station?

A. the/the

B. a/a

C. the/a

D. a/the

6. She has read ________interesting book.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. x

7. You’ll get ________shock if you touch ________ live wire with that screwdriver.

A. an/the

B. x/the

C. a/a

D. an/the

8. Mr. Smith is ________ old customer and ________ honest man.

A. An/the

B. the/an

C. an/an

D. the/the

9. ________ youngest boy has just started going to ________ school.

A. a/x

B. x/the

C. an/x

D. the/x

10. Do you go to ________ prison to visit him?

Tham khảo thêm:   Kế hoạch dạy học môn Hóa học 10 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống Phân phối chương trình Hóa học 10

A. the

B. a

C. x

D. an

11. ________eldest boy is at ________ college.

A. a/the

B. the/x

C. x/ a

D. an/x

12. Are you going away next week? No, ________ week after next.

A. an

B. a

C. the

D. x

13. Would you like to hear ________ story about ________ English scientist?

A. an/the

B. the/the

C. a/the

D. a/ an

14. There’ll always be a conflict between ________ old and ________ young.

A. the/the

B. an/a

C. an/the

D. the/a

15. There was ________ collision at ________ corner.

A. the/a

B. an/the

C. a/the

D. the/the

16. My mother thinks that this is ________ expensive shop.

A. the

B. an

C. a

D. x

17. Like many women, she loves ________ parties and ________gifts.

A. the/ a

B. a/the

C. a/a

D. x/x

18. She works seven days ________ week.

A. a

B. the

C. an

D. x

19. My mother goes to work in ________ morning.

A. a

B. x

C. the

D. an

20. I am on night duty. When you go to ________ bed, I go to ________ work.

A. a/x

B. a/the

C. the/x

D. x/x

II. Điền a/an hoặc the:

1. This morning I bought….newspaper and …….magazine. …….newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put…..magazine.

2. I saw ……accident this morning. ……car crashed into …..tree. ………driver of ……car wasn’t hurt but …..car was badly damaged.

3. There are two cars parked outside:……..blue one and …….grey one. ……..blue one belongs to my neighbors. I don’t know who ….. owner of…..grey one is.

4. My friends live in…….old house in……small village. There is …….beautiful garden behind ……..house. I would like to have……garden like this.

5. This house is very nice. Has it got …….garden?

6. It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in……..garden.

7. Can you recommend ……..good restaurant?

8. We had dinner in…….most expensive restaurant in town.

9. There isn’t ……….airport near where I live. …….nearest airport is 70 miles away.

10. “Are you going away next week?”

– “No, …..week after next”

III. Chọn đáp án đúng:

1. I’m afraid of dogs/the dogs.

2. Can you pass the salt/salt, please?

3. Apples/the apples are good for you.

4. Look at apples/the apples on that tree! They are very big.

5. Women/the women live longer than men/the men.

Tham khảo thêm:   Đặc điểm của văn bản nghị luận về một vấn đề đời sống trong Đừng từ bỏ cố gắng Soạn bài Đừng từ bỏ cố gắng CTST

6. I don’t drink tea/the tea. I don’t like it.

7. We had a very nice meal. Vegetables/ the vegetables were especially good.

8. Life/the life is strange sometimes. Some very strange things happen.

9. I like skiing/the skiing. But I’m not good at it.

10. Who are people/the people in this photograph?

11. What makes people/the people violent? What causes aggression/the aggression?

12. All books/all the books on the top shelf belong to me.

13. First world war/ the first world war lasted from 1914 until 1918.

14. One of our biggest problems is unemployment/the unemployment.

IV. Điền mạo từ thích hợp “a/an/the hoặc x (không cần mạo từ)”” vào chỗ trống.

1. Are John and Mary ________cousins? ~

No, they aren’t ________cousins; they are ________brother and ________sister.

2. ________fog was so thick that we couldn’t see ________ side of ________road. We followed ________car in front of us and hoped that we were going ________right way.

3. I can’t remember ________exact date of ________storm, but I know it was on ________Sunday because everybody was at ________church. On ________Monday ________post didn’t come because ________roads were blocked by ________fallen


4. Peter thinks that this is quite ________ cheap restaurant.

5. A: There’s ________murder here. ~

B: Where’s ________body?~

A: There isn’t ________body. ~

B: Then how do you know there’s been ________murder?

6. Number ________hundred and two, – ________house next door to us, is for sale.

It’s quite ________nice house with ________big rooms ________back windows look out on ________park.

7. I don’t know what ________price ________owners are asking. But Dry and Rot are ________agents. You could give them ________ring and make them ________offer.

8. ________postman’s little boy says that he’d rather be ________dentist than ________doctor, because ________dentists don’t get called out at ________night.

9. Just as ________air hostess (there was only one on the plane) was handing me ________cup of ________coffee ________plane gave ________lurch and ________ coffee went all over ________person on ________other side of ________gangway.

10. There was ________collision between ________car and ________cyclist at ________ crossroads near ________my house early in ________morning.

11. Professor Jones, ________man who discovered ________new drug that everyone is talking about, refused to give ________press conference.

12 Peter Piper, ________student in ________ professor’s college, asked him why he refused to talk to ________press.

Đáp án bài tập tiếng Anh về mạo từ

I. Chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào chỗ trống (chú ý: ký hiệu “x” có nghĩa là không cần mạo từ)

Tham khảo thêm:   Đề thi học sinh giỏi Giải toán trên Máy tính Casio cấp tỉnh Đồng Tháp môn Toán 12 (2011 - 2012) Sở GD&ĐT Đồng Tháp

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A

11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. D

II. Điền a/an hoặc the:

1. This morning I bought…a….newspaper and ..a…magazine. ..The…newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put…the ..magazine.

2. I saw …an…accident this morning. …a…car crashed into …a..tree. …The……driver of …a…car wasn’t hurt but …the..car was badly damaged.

3. there are two cars parked outside:…a…..blue one and …a….grey one. …the…..blue one belongs to my neighbors. I don’t know who …the.. owner of…the..grey one is.

4. My friends live in…an….old house in…a…small village. There is …a….beautiful garden behind …the…..house. I would like to have…a…garden like this.

5. This house is very nice. Has it got …a….garden?

6. It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in…the…..garden.

7. Can you recommend …a…..good restaurant?

8. We had dinner in…the….most expensive restaurant in town.

9. There isn’t …an…….airport near where I live. …the….nearest airport is 70 miles away.

10. “Are you going away next week?” – “No, .. the…..week after next”

III. Chọn đáp án đúng:

1. dogs

2. the salt

3. apples

4. the apples

5. women, men

6. tea

7. the vegetables

8. life

9. skiing

10. the people

11. people, aggression

12. All the books

13. The first world war

14. unemployment.

IV. Điền mạo từ thích hợp “a/an/the hoặc x (không cần mạo từ)”” vào chỗ trống.

1. x – x – x – x

2. The – the – the – the – the

3. the – the – x – the – x – the – x – x

4. a

5. a – the – a – a

6. a – the – a – x – the – the

7. x – the – the – a – an

8. The – a – a – x – x

9. the – a – x – the – a – the – the – the – the

10. a – a – a – the – x – the.

11. the – the – a

12. a – the – the

Cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi bài viết Bài tập về mạo từ Tiếng Anh (Có đáp án) Bài tập tiếng Anh cho trẻ em của Wikihoc.com nếu thấy bài viết này hữu ích đừng quên để lại bình luận và đánh giá giới thiệu website với mọi người nhé. Chân thành cảm ơn.


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