Bạn đang xem bài viết ✅ Bài tập đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân trong tiếng Anh (Có đáp án) Đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân ✅ tại website Wikihoc.com có thể kéo xuống dưới để đọc từng phần hoặc nhấn nhanh vào phần mục lục để truy cập thông tin bạn cần nhanh chóng nhất nhé.

Bài tập đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân trong tiếng Anh là tài liệu hữu ích, được biên soạn theo chương trình mới của Bộ GD& ĐT. Các bài tập giúp học sinh củng cố kiến thức đã học trong chương trình, đồng thời cung cấp một số phần nâng cao phù hợp với đối tượng học sinh khá giỏi.

Bài tập đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân bao gồm lý thuyết kèm theo các dạng bài tập có đáp án kèm theo bài tự luyện. Hi vọng thông qua tài liệu này các bạn học sinh nắm vững kiến thức ngữ pháp này để nhanh chóng giải được các bài tập tiếng Anh. Ngoài ra các bạn xem thêm: Bài tập thì hiện tại đơn và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, bài tập về các thì trong tiếng Anh, Bài tập về mệnh đề trong tiếng Anh.

I. Lưu ý khi làm bài

– Trước hết ta phải xác định được từ để hỏi.

– Từ bị gạch chân không bao giờ xuất hiện trong câu hỏi.

– Nếu trong câu:

+/ Dùng động từ thường thì ta phải mượn trợ động từ và đảo trợ động từ lên trước chủ ngữ và sau từ để hỏi.

Eg: They play football everyday.

=> What do they play everyday?

+/ Nếu trong câu dùng “động từ tobe”, “động từ khuyết thiếu” ta chỉ cần đảo “động từ tobe”, “động từ khuyết thiếu” lên trước chủ ngữ và sau từ để hỏi:

Eg: She is planting trees now.

=> What is she playing now?

– Nếu trong câu có từ bị gạch chân dùng những từ sau thì khio chuyển sang câu hỏi ta phải đổi tương ứng như sau:

1. I, We => You

2. me, us => you

3. mine, ours => yours

4. my, our => your

5. some => any

II. Cách làm bài tập đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân

1. Xác định từ gạch chân chỉ người/ vật/ số đếm/ số tiền/ hành động/ tính từ,…

2. Chọn từ để hỏi thích hợp

3. Xác định thì qua động từ chính trong câu

4. Xác định chủ ngữ? Số nhiều/ít

5. Chọn trợ động từ thích hợp với chủ ngữ và thì

6. Đặt câu

III. Các từ để hỏi thường gặp trong Tiếng Anh.

1. Cách đặt câu hỏi với từ What

What là từ dùng để hỏi về cái gì đó như là một đối tượng,món ăn hoặc hoạt động. Bên cạnh từ What, bạn cũng có thể dùng từ which đề thay thế khi muốn hỏi về cái gì, loại nào.

Cấu trúc: What + (Cấu trúc câu hỏi Yes/No)

Để giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về cách đặt câu hỏi với từ what, cùng tìm hiểu ví dụ:

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? (Vị kem yêu thích của bạn là gì?)

What do you want to do today? (Bạn muốn làm gì hôm nay?)

2. Đặt câu hỏi với Why

Why là từ để hỏi về nguyên nhân, lý do tại sao lại xảy ra vấn đề đó.

Cấu trúc: Why + an auxiliary verb (be, do, have) + subject + main verb?

Ví dụ về câu hỏi với từ Why:

Why are you so sad? (Tại sao bạn lại buồn như vậy?)

Why did you go to bed last night? (Tại sao bạn lại đi ngủ trễ vào tối hôm qua?)

3. Cách đặt câu hỏi với Who

Who là để hỏi về một người nào đó. Nếu bạn muốn xác định người có liên quan đến việc gì đó, hãy bắt đầu bằng cách đặt câu hỏi với who.

Cấu trúc: Who + (Cấu trúc câu hỏi Yes/No)

Để giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về ,cùng tìm hiểu ví dụ:

Who is the manager of this coffee shop? (Ai là quản lý của quán café này?)

Who will pick me up to go to the school? (Ai sẽ đón tôi đến trường?)

4. Đặt câu hỏi với Where

Where là từ để hỏi về vị trí. Khi người hỏi sử dụng các mẫu câu hỏi wh trong Tiếng Anh bắt đầu với Where nghĩa là bạn đang cần tìm một nơi, một vị trí nào đó. Hoặc nó cũng được dùng để hỏi một điều gì đó có liên quan đến một địa điểm hoặc vị trí.

Cấu trúc: Where + (Cấu trúc câu hỏi Yes/No)

Ví dụ về đặt câu hỏi trong Tiếng Anh bằng từ Where như sau:

Where are you from? (Bạn từ đâu đến?)

Where do you want to meet for lunch? (Bạn muốn gặp ở đâu để ăn trưa?)

5. Cách đặt câu với When

Đặt câu với when bạn có thể biết về thời điểm, hỏi giờ hoặc một chi tiết công việc vào một thời điểm nào đó.

Cấu trúc: When + (Cấu trúc câu hỏi Yes/No

Cùng tìm hiểu ví dụ về cách đặt câu hỏi với từ when:

When are we going to the movie? (Khi nào chúng ta đi xem phim?)

When should I expect you to deliver the report? (Lúc nào thì tôi nên mong chờ bạn gửi báo cáo?)

6. Đặt câu hỏi với How

How dùng để hỏi về một quá trình hoặc một tính chất. Nếu bạn muốn tìm hiểu về việc đó hay quy trình đó làm thế nào thì hãy dùng How.

Cấu trúc: How + (Cấu trúc câu hỏi Yes/No

Hãy cùng tìm hiểu một vài ví dụ với How:

How do you get to the university? (Bạn đi đến trường đại học như thế nào?)

How do you cook this? (Bạn nấu món này như thế nào?)

Eg: I buy himsome books.

=> Who/ Whom do you buy any books (for)?

=> Whose: của người mà (Hỏi cho tính từ sở hữu, sở hữu cách, đại từ sở hữu)

Eg: This is her pen?

=> Whose pen is this?

6. Why: tại sao (Hỏi cho lí do, nguyên nhân)

7. How: thế nào (Hỏi cho tính từ, trạng từ, sức khoẻ …)

8. How old: hỏi cho tuổi

9. How tall: hỏi cho chiều cao của người

10. How high: hỏi cho chiều cao của vật

11. How thick: hỏi cho độ dày

12. How thin: hỏi cho độ mỏng

13. How big: hỏi cho độ lớn

14. How wide: hỏi cho độ rộng

15. How broad: hỏi cho bề rộng

16. How deep: hỏi cho độ sâu

17. How fast: hỏi cho tốc độ

18. How far … from … to …: hỏi cho độ xa

19. How long: hỏi cho độ dài

Eg: This ruler is 20 centimeters long.

=> How long is this ruler?

=> How long: hỏi cho thời gian bao lâu

Eg: It takesmean hour to do my homework.

=> How longdoes it takeyou to do your homework?

(Nó lấy mất của bạn bao nhiêu thời gian để làm bài tập về nhà?)

How often: hỏi cho mức độ, tần suất, số lần

Eg: I go to school every day.

=> How often do you go to school?

How much: hỏi cho giá cả

Eg: This book is 3$.

=> How much is this book?

=> How much does this book cost?

=> What is the price of this book?

How much + N (ko đếm được): hỏi cho số lượng

Eg: There is somewater in the bottle.

=> How muchwater is there in the bottle?

How many + N(es,s): hỏi cho số lượng với danh từ đếm được

Eg: There are twopens on the table.

=> How manypens are there on the table?

I have apen here.

=> How manypens do you have here?

IV. Bài tập tự luyện

Câu 1: Đặt câu hỏi cho phần gạch chân

1. I want to see a cowboy movie


2. My family usually watches TV in the evening.


3. They do not have a TV because it was too expensive.


4. We have 2 books.


5. Jane will go to a shop tomorrow


6. She likes pop music.


7. I can speak 4 languages


8. Nga is going to visit her old teachers this evening.


9. I play chess with my friend.


10. Next month, I will go to Da Latto relax.


11. Peter goes to the library twice a week.

Tham khảo thêm:   Tin học lớp 3 Bài 2: Máy tính giúp em quan sát nhiều điều kì thú Giải Tin học lớp 3 trang 6 sách Cánh diều


12. Pete and Mike are playing football.


13. This dress costs 150 dollars.


14. She speaks English fluently.


15. Columbus lives America.


16. It is Jack’s book.


17. I and my father play volleyball in the afternoon


18. Mrs. Robinson buy a poster.


19. I often listen to musicin my free time.


20. I often listen to musicin my free time.


21. I meet Tomat the bar


22.I want a camera for my birthday.


23.I go to the shoe shop in the afternoon.


24.You visit a temple and a churchin Thailand.


25. You should learn harderto get good mark.


26. The dictionary is 200,000 dong.


27. She buy a pencil at the shop over there.


28. I am happyafter the trip


29. Jane likes playing chess.


30. I need a phone card.


31. It’s about 1,500 kmfrom Hue to Ho Chi Minh City.


32. The bank is opposite the restaurant.


33. The dress looks very nice.


34. Jack is in the room


35. Her neighbor gives hera nice dress.


36. They want to return to America


37. Mrs. Robinsonbuys a poster.


38. My fatheris in Ha Noi


39. He travels to Nha Trang by coach.


40. She goes to the doctor because she is sick.


41. Nam leaves home at 7 o’clock


42. He teaches English at the high school.


43. The lesson is very difficult.


44. She often does the housework after doing exercises.


45. They are planting some roses in the garden.


46. Liz will send these lettersto her friends.


47. My favorite subject is Math


48. I often listen to music in my free time.


49. He is good at drawing


50. She learns about computersin computer science class.


51, My mother is cooking in the kitchenat the moment.


52. Phong likes playing table tennis.


53. They go to the beach on the summer holidays.


54. They are in a hotel.


55. The childrenswim in the lake.


56. I go to the movies twice a week.


57. She leaves her suitcase on the train.


58. They see lions and tigersat the zoo.


59. He leaves the party at 11.o’clock.


60. John goes to the beachlast Sunday.


61. He gives his girlfriend a bunch of flowers.


62. .The company sends the new worker to California.


63. My sister dreams about the monsterlast night.


64. My grandmother hears a loud in this morning.


65. We visit the History Museum.


66. Hoa is doing homework.


67.I will go to the church in 2022


68. Jack and I get to school by car


69. She has3 pens


70. I buy half a kiloof cheese.


71. He is playing soccer


72. He meet Lindafor coffee.


73. The teacher is angry because he doesn’t do his homework.


74. Jackbuys a car


75. I go to the cinema with my cousins.


76. She makes some coffeefor her mother


77. She calls the police because she gets lost.


78. I buy twokilos of oranges.


79. John writes a poem about his grandparents.


Câu 2: Make questions for the underlined words/ phrases

1. Nam does the morning exercise every day.


2. This river is 20 meters wide.


3. He watches T.V when he has free time.


4. Jack is 1.8 m tall.


5. They have three children.


6. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.


7. The Browns are planting trees in the garden.


8. This car belongs to my grandfather.


9. Minh goes to bed at 10.00.


10. They are going to stay in Hai Phong for two days.


Câu 3. Choose the best answer

1. Little John feels (tired/ bored) today because he has to stay at home looking after the house.

2. How (long/ high) is that river?

3. What is the (height/ length) of that post?

4. How (tall/ high) is your father?

5. My little daughter is two years of (old/ age).

6. Do you know how (wide/ narrow) this lake is?

7. I don’t know how (many/ much) time I need to spend on English.

8. Our grandparents look after (them/ themselves) as they live alone.

9. A camel has thick hair to protect (it/ itself) from the heat of the desert.

10. How (thick/ thin) is this book?

11. The kiwi has a (long/ wide) beak.

12. What is the (length/ depth) of this well?

13. Where is (your/ yours) dictionary? – I want to borrow (it/ its).

14. Have you ever watched cats wash (each other/ themselves)?

15. How (long/ often) do you visit your parents? – Twice a month.

Câu 4

1. Our school year starts on September 5th

2. Summer vacation lasts for three months

The longest vacation is summer vacation

3. I usually visit my grandparentsduring my vacation

4. My mother works eighthours a day

5. Robinson is an English teacher

6. The hotel is opposite the museum

7. It’s about two kilometersfrom my house to the market

8. It takes about twenty minutesto go to school by bike

9.These envelopes are 5000 dong

10. Hoa needs some stamps and a pad of letter-papers

11. A letter to America is 9500 dong

12. Liz will send these letters to her friends

13. I would like some orange juice

14. I saw her last night

15. Her neighbor gave her a nice dress

16. They returned to America two weeks ago

17. Robinson bought a poster

18. My father was in Ha Noi last month

19. He travelled to Nha Trang by coach

20. She went to the doctor because she was sick

21. We meet her at the City’s Theaterlast night

22. Nga brushes her teeth three times a day

23. My father was in Ha Noi three weeks ago

24. Nam played badminton with Minh

25. She went to the doctor because she had a backache

26. The students are practicing their English at the moment

27. He had an appointment at 10.00

28. They travelled to the USA by planelast month

29. I’d like to see a cowboy movie

30. My family usually watches TV in the evening

31. They didn’t have a TV because it was too expensive

32.We prefer reading and playing chess

33. She likes pop music

34. Nga is going to visit her old teachers this evening

Câu 5

1. She went to school by busyesterday


2. He bought this hat at the shop over there.


3. It took me three hours to finish my hmoework.


4. I need a phone card to phone my parents.


5.It’s about 500 kmfrom Lai Chau to Ha Noi.


6. I saw herlast night.


7. Her neighbor gave her a nice dress.


8. They returned to America two weeks ago.


9. Mrs. Robinson bought a poster.


10. My father was in Ha Noilast month.


11. He traveled to Nha Trang by train.


12. She went to the doctor because she was sick.


13. Nam left home at 7 o’clockyesterday.


14. He taughtEnglishin the high school.


15, The homework was very difficultyesterday.


16. There are manyroses in the garden.


17. Liz will send these letters to her friends.


18. My favorite subject is Math.


19. I go to the movie once a week.


20. Yes, he is. (He is good at drawing)


21. Jonh went to Viet Nam in 2000.


22. My mother is cookingin the kitchen at the moment.


23. Yes, She does (Lan likes playing table tennis.)


24. It is very hotin summer.


25. My father is 60 kilos.


26. They stay in a hotel.


27. This ruler is 30 centimeters


28. That is herpen


29. It takes him 20 minutesto go to school by bike


30. My phone number is 0912……….


Exercise 6: Make questions for the underlined parts.

1. She needs twelve eggs to make two cakes.


2. They drank a lot ofwine at the party last night.


3. I often drink coffee in the morning.


4. Beef noodle soupis my favourite food.


5. My lemonade tastes a bit sour.


6. No, there isn’t any milk in the fridge.


7. No, thanks. I love cookies, but I’m full.


8. The beef broth is made by stewing cow bones.


9. His telephone number is 8 259 640.


10. It’s about two kilometersfrom my house to the movie theater.


11. I will go camping next Sunday.


12. Her date of birth is on August 21st.


13. She will be fourteenon her next birthday.


14. My father isan engineer.

Tham khảo thêm:   Mẫu biên bản thẩm định chương trình đào tạo Biên bản thẩm định chương trình đào tạo mới nhất


15. My address is 2/10B Ly Thuong Kiet Street.


16. He works in a hospital.


Exercise 7: Make questions for the underlined words: Đặt câu hỏi cho phần gạch chân.

1. Mai lives in the city.


2. Nam’s father works in a factory.


3. I have two brothers and one sister


4. She goes to Le Loi school.


5. My house has a yard.


6. They have literature on Tuesday.


7. I watch television every night.


8. Her brother and sister play sports after lunch.


9. His mother does the housework every day.


10. Lan takes a shower every morning


11. My brother and I watch television every evening.


12. They go to school at a quarter to seven.

V. Bài tập vận dụng

Bài tập thực hành

Bài 1: Make questions for the underlined words or phrases

1. The dictionary is 200,000dong.


2. I made it from a piece of wood.


3. She bought it at the shop over there.


4. No, I wasn’t. (I was tired after the trip.)


5. It took her three hours to finish the composition.


6. I need a phone card to phone my parents.


7. It’s about 1,500 kmfrom Hue to Ho Chi Minh City.


8. The bank is opposite the restaurant.


9. The dress looked very nice.


10. I saw herlast night.


11. Her neighbor gave hera nice dress.


12. They returned to Americatwo weeks ago.


13. Mrs. Robinsonbought a poster.


14. My father was in Ha Noilast month.


15. He traveled to Nha Trang by coach.


16. She went to the doctor because she was sick.


17. Nam left home at 7 o’clockyesterday.


18. He taught Englishin the high school.


19. The homework was very difficultyesterday.


20. She often does the housework after doing exercises.


21. They are planting someroses in the garden.


22. Liz will send these letters to her friends.


23. My favorite subject is Math.


24. Yes, we do. (We have magazines and newspapers)


25. I often listen to musicin my free time.


26. Yes, he is. (He is good at drawing)


27. She learns about computersin computer science class.


28. My mother is cooking in the kitchenat the moment.


29. Lan likes playing table tennis.


30. I go to the movies twice a week.


31. They go to the beach on the summer holidays.


32. They stay in a hotel.


Bài 2: Write questions for the underlined words.

1.- The children swam in the lake.


2.- The glass fell of the table.


3.- They saw lions and tigers at the zoo.


4.- He left the party at 11.o’clock.


5.- John went to the beach last Sunday.


6.- He gave her a bunch of flowers for her birthday.


7.- The company sent the new worker to California.


8.- My sister dreamt about the monster last night.


9.- My grandmother heard a loud scream last night.


10.- We went to the History Museum.


11.- He fell because he slipped on a banana peel.


12- The teacher was angry because he didn’t do his homework.


13.- It took us about half an hour to get to school.


14.- She last rode a bike two weeks ago.


15.- I bought half a kilo of cheese.


16.- He took his driving test two days ago.


17.- He met Linda for coffee.


18.- I was born in 1964.


19.- My cousin started sailing six months ago.


20.- I went to the cinema with my cousins.


21.- I stayed in New Zealand for six months.


22.- She called the firemen because her cat stuck in a tree.


23.- I bought two kilos of oranges.


24.- John wrote about his grandparents.


25.- I watched a very good film on TV last night.


26.- She made some coffee for her mother.


27.- Susan gave the money to her brother.


28.- We went to school by bus.


29.- I was tired yesterday evening because I worked very hard.


30.- Mary invited a lot of people to the party.


31.- No, we didn’t go to the cinema last night.


32.- Shakira grew up in Colombia.


33.- He went on holiday with his friends.


34.- She didn’t do anything.


35.- I borrowed my teacher’s dictionary.


36.- Someone gave some money to Mike.


37.- Someone helped John with his homework yesterday.


38.- Shakespeare died in 1616.

39.- He didn’t dance at the disco because he was tired.


40.- She left her suitcase on the train.


Exercise III: Fill in the gaps with the correct question word to complete the exchanges

1. A: _____ have you lived in London?

B: For three years

2. A: ______ schoolbag is that?

B: Oh, I think it’s Tom’s schoolbag

3. A: ______ do you go shopping?

B: Three times a month

4. A: _______ are you from?

B: I’m from Toronto, Canada

5. A: _____ is your birthday?

B: On January 12th .

Exercise 4: Write questions for the underlined parts

1. I went to a party last night


2. He goes to the cinema every Saturday


3. I’ve got a red car


4. I go to bed at midnight.


5. I met an old friend yesterday.


Exercise 5: Complete the interview

Reporter: (1) ………………………………………………………

Celebrity: My real name is Eric Stanely Smith

Reporter: (2) ………………………………………………………

Celebrity: I am twenty-five years old.

Reporter: (3) ………………………………………………………

Celebrity: I made my first record in 2007

Reporter: (4) ………………………………………………………

Celebrity: I live in the centre of London

Reporter: (5) ………………………………………………………

Celebrity: Paris is my favorite city

Reporter: (6) ……………………………………………………….

Celebrity: I go there three times a year

Reporter: (7) ………………………………………………………

Celebrity: My next live performance will be in New York

Reporter: (8) ………………………………………………………

Celebrity: No, I have never been to New York before

Reporter: Well, good luck then.

Exercise 6: Choose the correct answer

1. “ ……………………………………………………………….jacket is this?” “Tonny’s”

A. Who

B. What

C. Whose

2. _____ does your best friend live?

A. When

B. Where

C. What

3. ______ CDs have you got?

A. How

B. How much

C. How many

4. ______ were you sad yesterday?

A. Why

B. What

C. Who

5. _____ old is your brother?

A. What

B. How

C. Who

6. ______ kind of books do you read?

A. When

B. What

C. Where

7. _____ tall are you?

A. When

B. Where

C. How

8. ______ will the party start?

A. Where

B. How often

C. What time

Bài 7: Write these questions for the underlined parts

1. My family usually go to pagodason the first day of Tet.


2. Tet lasts ten days.


3. Before Tet, people should clean and decorate their houses.


4. People shouldn’t eat duck meat at Tet because it brings unluckiness.


5. We will visit our relatives on the second day of Tet.


6. Everest is over 60 million years old.


7. The Grand Canyon is in Arizona, USA.


8. Mount Everestis the highest mountain in the world.


9. Visitors can get to Angel Fails by boat.


10. Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls are twice as tall as Niagara Falls.


11. We have lived in New York for ten years.


12. The weather in Stockholm has been perfect.


13. He travelled to Mexico by train.


14. I play basketball every weekend.


15. Last night I watched a basketball match on TV.


Bài 8: Write questions for the underlined parts

1. Jim usually plays volleyballin his free time.


2. He plays volleyball three times a week.


3. I started my hobby five years ago.


4. Tomorrowland is an electronic dance music festival


5. The Songkran Festival is usually celebrated between 13 and 16 April


6. The Vietnamese celebrate Tet with family gatherings, traditional foods, and lion dances


7. Many people went to Han Riverto witness the Danang International Fireworks Festival.


8. We should use biogasfor cooking instead of gas.


9. People use solar power for heating or cooling the house.


10. Yaly Hydropower Plant was constructed in 1993.


11. The US spent 55 billionon energy research in 2015.


12. There are seven typesof renewable energy.


13. Solar panels will be placed on the roofs of houses and buildings.


14. Children living in slums have more diseases because of poor living conditions.


15. Overcrowding causes problems such as housing, congestion, unemployment, etc.


16. Many people from the countryside are moving to big citiesto find work.

Bài 9: Make a new sentence from the question in brackets

1. (Where has Tom gone?) Do you know where Tom has gone?

2. (Where is the post office) Could you tell me where ………

Tham khảo thêm:   Soạn bài Ôn tập và tự đánh giá cuối học kì II - Cánh diều 10 Ngữ văn lớp 10 trang 116 sách Cánh diều tập 2

3. (What’s the time) I wonder ……………………………

4. (What does this word mean) I want to know ………………

5. (What time did they leave) Do you know …………………

6. (Is Sue going out tonight) I don’t know ………………..

7. (Where does Caroline live?) Do you have any idea ………..

8. (Where did I park the car?) I can’t remember ……………

9. (Is there a bank near here?) Can you tell me ……………

10. (What do you want?) Tell me ………………………….

11. (Why didn’t Kate come to the party?) I don’t know ………

12. (How much does it cost to park here?) Do you know ………

13. (Who is that woman) I have no idea ……………………

14. (Did Liz get my letter?) Do you know ………………….

15. (How far is it to the airport?) Can you tell me ………..

Bài 10: You are making a phone call. You want to speak to Sue but she isn’t there. Somebody else answers the phone. You want to know three things:

(1) Where has she gone?

(2) When will she be back?

And (3) Did she go out alone?

Complete the conversation:

A: Do you know where ……………………….. (1)

B: Sorry, I’ve got no idea.

A: Never mind. I don’t suppose you know……….. (2)

B: No, I’m afraid not.

A: One more thing. Do you happen to know………. (3)

B: I’m afraid I didn’t see her go out.

A: OK. Well thank you anyway. Goodbye.

Đáp án

Bài 1: Make questions for the underlined words or phrases

1 – How much is the dictionary?

2 – How did you make it?

3 – Where did she buy it?

4 – Were you fine after the trip?

5 – How long did it take her to finish the composition?

6 – What do you need a phone car for?

7 – How far is it from Hue to Ho Chi Minh city?

8 – Where is the bank?

9 – How did the dress look?

10 – Who did you see last night?

When did you see her?

11 – What did her neighbourhood give her?

12 – What did they do two weeks ago?

When did they return to America?

13 – Who bought a poster?

What did Mrs. Robinson buy?

14 – Where was your father last month

15 – How did he travel to Nha Trang?

16 – Why did she go to the doctor?

17 – What time did Nam leave home yesterday?

18 – What did he teach in the high school?

19 – How was the homework yesterday?

20 – When does she usually do the housework?

21 – How many roses are they planting in the garden?

22 – Who will Liz send these letters?

23 – What is your favorite subject?

24 – Do you have magazines and newspapers?

25 – What do you often do in your free time?

26 – Is he good at drawing?

27 – What does she learn about in computer science class?

28 – What is your mother doing in the kitchen at the moment?

Where is your mother cooking at the moment?

29 – What does Lan like playing?

30 – How often do you go to the movies?

31 – When do they go to the beach?

32 – Where do they stay?

Bài 2: Write questions for the underlined words.

1 – Who swam in the lake?

2 – What fell of the table?

3 – What did they see at the zoo?

4 – What time did he leave the party?

5 – Where did John go last Sunday?

6 – What did he give her for her birthday?

7 – Where did the company send the new worker to?

8 – What did your sister dream about last night?

9 – When did your grandmother hear a loud scream?

10 – Where did they go?

11 – Why did he fall?

12 – Why was the teacher sad?

13 – How long did it take you to get to school?

14 – When did she last ride a bike?

15 – How much cheese did you buy?

16 – What did he do two days ago?

17 – Who did he meet for coffee?

18 – When were you born?

19 – When did your cousin start sailing?

20 – Who did you go the cinema with?

21 – How long did you stay in New Zealand?

22 – Why did she call the firemen?

23 – How many kilos of oranges did you buy?

24 – Who did John write about

25 – What did you do last night?

26 – What did she make for her mother?

27 – Who did Susan give the money to?

28 – How did we go to school?

29 – Why was you tired yesterday morning?

30 – How many people did Mary invite to the party?

31 – Did you go to the cinema last night?

32 – Where did Shakira grow up?

33 – Who did he go on holiday with?

34 – What did she do?

35 – Whose dictionary did you borrow?

36 – Who gave money to Mike?

37 – Who did anyone help with homework yesterday?

38 – When did Shakespeare die?

39 – Why did he not dance at the disco?

40 – Where did she leave the suitcase?

Exercise 3: Fill in the gaps with the correct question word to complete the exchanges

1. A: __How long___ have you lived in London?

B: For three years

2. A: __Whose____ schoolbag is that?

B: Oh, I think it’s Tom’s schoolbag

3. A: __How often__ do you go shopping?

B: Three times a month

4. A: ___Where____ are you from?

B: I’m from Toronto, Canada

5. A: __When___ is your birthday?

B: On January 12th

Exercise 4: Write questions for the underlined parts

1. Where did you go last night?

2. How often does he go to the cinema?

3. What have you got?

4. What time do you go to bed?

5. Who did you meet yesterday?

Exercise 5: Complete the interview

1. What is your real name?

2. How old are you?

3. When did you make your first record?

4. Where do you live?

5. What’s your favorite city?

6. How often do you go there?

7. Where will your next live performance be?

8. Have you ever been to New York?

Exercise 6: Choose the correct answer

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. C

8. C

Exercise 7: Write these questions for the underlined parts

1. Where do your family usually go on the first day of Tet?

2. How long does Tet last?

3. What should people do before Tet?

4. Why shouldn’t people eat duck meat at Tet?

5. When will you visit your relatives?

6. How old is Mt. Everest?

7. Where is the Grand Canyon?

8. What is the highest mountain in the world?

9. How can visitors get to Angel Falls?

10. Which is taller, Victoria Falls or Niagara Falls?

11. How long have you lived in New York?

12. How has the weather been like in Stockholm?

13. How did he travel to Mexico?

14. How often do you play basketball?

15. What did you do last night?

Exercise 8 

1. What does Jim do in his free time?

2. How often does he play volleyball?

3. When did you start your hobby?

4. What is Tomorrowland?

5. When is the Songkran Festival usually celebrated?

6. How do Vietnamese celebrate Tet?

7. Where did many people go to witness the Danang International Fireworks Festival?

8. What should we use for cooking instead of gas?

9. What do people use for solar power for?

10. When was Yaly Hydropower Plant constructed?

11. How much did the US spend on energy research in 2015?

12. How many types of renewable energy are there?

13. Where will solar panels be placed?

14. Why do children living in slums have more diseases?

15. What does overcrowding cause?

16. Where many people from the countryside moving to find work?

Exercise 9 

2. Could you tell me where the post office is?

3. I wonder what the time is

4. I want to know what this word means.

5. Do you know what time they left?

6. I don’t know if Sue is going out tonight.

7. Do you have any idea where Caroline lives?

8. I can’t remember where I parked the car?

9. Can you tell me if there is a bank near here?

10. Tell me what you want?

11. I don’t know why Kate didn’t come to the party.

12. Do you know how much it costs to park here?

13. I have no idea who that woman is?

13. Do you know if Liz got my letter?

15. Can you tell me how far it is to the airport.

Exercise 10

1. Do you know where she has game?

2. I don’t suppose you know when she’ll be back.

3. Do you happen to know if she went out alone.

Cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi bài viết Bài tập đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân trong tiếng Anh (Có đáp án) Đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân của Wikihoc.com nếu thấy bài viết này hữu ích đừng quên để lại bình luận và đánh giá giới thiệu website với mọi người nhé. Chân thành cảm ơn.


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