Bạn đang xem bài viết ✅ Bài tập về câu điều kiện loại 1, 2, 3 trong Tiếng Anh ✅ tại website Wikihoc.com có thể kéo xuống dưới để đọc từng phần hoặc nhấn nhanh vào phần mục lục để truy cập thông tin bạn cần nhanh chóng nhất nhé.

English test 8

EXERCISE I: Put the verbs in brackets in correct tenses.

1/ If I (have) ________ a typewriter, I could type it myself.

2/ If I had known that you were in hospital , I (visit) ________ you.

3/ You could make much progress if you (attend) ________ class regularly.

4/ If I (know) ________ his telephone number, I would give it to you.

5/ If you (arrive) ________ ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

6/ If he (study) ________ harder, he can pass an exam.

7/ She may be late if she (not hurry) ________.

8/ Tell him to ring me if you (see) ________ him.

9/ If you (speak) ________ more slowly,he might have understood you.

10/ What (you do) ________ if you got fat ?

Exercise II : Supply the correct verb tense.

1/ If you are kind to me, I (be) _______ good to you.

2/ He (come) _______ if you waited.

3/ If you (ring) _______ the bell, the servant would come.

4/ If I had known that the baby was hungry, I (feed) _______ him.

5/ If it (not, rain) _______ a lot, the rice crop wouln’t grow.

Tham khảo thêm:   Đáp án trắc nghiệm tập huấn môn Công nghệ 8 sách Cánh diều Tập huấn sách giáo khoa lớp 8 Cánh diều năm 2023 - 2024

6/ If today (be) _______ Sunday, we wouldn’t have to work.

7/ If she had had your address, she (write) _______ to you.

8/ We lost the match. If you (play) _______ for us, we (win) _______.

10/ They would not be paid unless they (do) _______ their work well.

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