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Ngữ pháp và bài tập môn tiếng Anh lớp 4


(Giới từ và Đại từ)


1. Possessive nouns

(a) Sue and Ann have coats.

Sue’s coat is black.

Ann’s coat is blue.

(b) My mother has a name.

My mother’s name is Fran.

(c) My friend has an apartment.

My friend’s apartment is small.

(d) The student has a book.

The student’s book is red.

Singular noun






Possessive form






(e) The students have students.

The students’ books are books.

(f) My friends have an apartment.

My friends’ apartment is small.

(g) My parents have names.

My parents’ names are Fran and Bill.

Plural noun




Possessive form




Possessive: irregular plural noun

(a) The children’s toys are on the floor.

(b) That store sells men’s clothing.

(c) The store sells women’s clothing.

Biographies are the stories of people’s lives.

Irregular plural nouns (children, men, women, people, children…) have an irregular plural possessive form. The apostrophe (’) comes before the final -s


– Possessive noun, singular: Noun + apostrophe (’) + -s(To show that a person possesses something)

– Possessive noun, plural: Noun + -s + apostrophe (’)(To show that a person possesses something)

2. Prepositions of time

Tham khảo thêm:   Bộ đề thi học kì 2 môn Ngữ văn 10 năm 2022 - 2023 sách Chân trời sáng tạo 3 Đề kiểm tra cuối kì 2 Ngữ văn 10 (Có đáp án + Ma trận)


(a) We have class at one o’clock.

(b) I have an appointment with the doctor at 3:00.

(c) We sleep at night.

at +a specific time of o’clock

at + night


(d) My birthday is in October.

(e) I was born in 1976.

(f) We have class in the morning.

(g) Bob has class in the afternoon.

(h) I study in the evening.

in + month

in + year

in the morning

in the afternoon

in the evening


(i) I have class on Monday.

(j) I was born on March 15th, 1976.

on + day of week

on + date


(k) We have class from 7:00 to 11:00

from (a special time) to (a special time)


Exercise 1. Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct.

1. SQUAERE ……………………………………..

2. CIRRCLE ……………………………………..

3. TRIAENGLE ……………………………………..

4. RECTANGELE ……………………………………..

5. OVAEL ……………………………………..

6. DIAEMOND ……………………………………..

7. LONGE ……………………………………..

8. SHORET ……………………………………..

9. CURELY ……………………………………..

10. STRAIGHET ……………………………………..

Exercise 2. Use the words to complete the sentences (word given in the box).

sporty; lovely; pretty; handsome; humorous; cheerful

1. The children are very l__________

2. He is a football star. He is very h__________

3. My brother can make people laugh. He is very h_________

4. Miss Lien is young and p__________

5. They are c______ at the party.

6. My father loves sports. He is very s_________

Exercise 3. Find the different soundof these groups of words.

A. home B. hour C. him D. hot

A. wear B. hear C. near D. year

A. see B. sun C . sure D. son

A. free B. meet C. see D. beer

A. how B. know C. brown D. cow

Your answers






Exercise 4. Read and complete the text with in; with; at; on and of.

I live (1)…………….. London. My house is (2)…………… the center (3)…………. the city. I work for an international firm. I’m (4)…………… work now. My husband, Dave, is a teacher. Our children go to his school. He’s (5)…………… school now (6)…………. our children. They are (7)……….. class five but Dave isn’t their teacher. My parents are (8)…………. holiday (9)……………. Paris now. We have a postcard (10)………….. the Eiffel Tower from them. They like Paris very much.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences by using the correct possessive form of the nouns in parentheses.

Tham khảo thêm:   Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 7: Vocabulary Soạn Anh 8 Chân trời sáng tạo trang 70, 71

1. (children) That store sells ….children’s….. books.

2. (girl) Mary is a …………………… name.

3. (girls) Mary and Sue are …………….……. names.

4. (person) A biography is the story of a ……………..….. life.

5. (people) Biographies are the stories of ……….….. lives.

6. (students) ……………………. lives are busy.

7. (brother) Do you know my……………..……. wife?

8. (brothers) Do you know my……………….…. wives?

9. (dog) My …………….…….. name is Fido.

10. (dogs) My…………..……… names are Fido and Rover.

11. (children) Our ………………….. school is near our house.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with prepositions of time (on; at; in; from; to)

1. We have class ………….……. seven o’clock.

2. We have class ……….…….7:00 ……….…..… 11:00.

3. We go to class ………………..…. the morning.

4. The post office isn’t open ……………….. Sunday.

5. The bank is open …….…… Friday, but it isn’t open …………… Sunday.

6. I go to bed ……………….….. night.

7. We have Christmas vacation ………………. December.

8. My birthday is …………..…… February.

9. The bank is open ……………. 8:00 a.m ……….…… 5:00 p.m.

10. New Year’s Day is ……………. January 1st.

Exercise 7. Circle the word in each group which is different.

1. A. mirror B. Photo C. pictureD. newspaper

2. A. fridge B. washing machineC. stereoD. cooker

3. A. behindB. UntilC. near D. next to

4. A. thirdB. Second C. one D. first

5. A. tomorrow B. Christmas Day C. birthdayD. weeding day

Your answers






Exercise 8. Circle correct the word in each sentence.

Ex: Can I have a lamp/ stamp for the letter? -> stamp

1. Matteo is from Italian/ Italy.

2. Please do this exercise again. All your answers are right/ wrong.

3. People play/ gobaseball in America and Canada.

4. Can I open the window, please?- It’s very hot/ cold in here.

5. A baker/ singermakes CDs.

6. We go/ playskating in winter.

7. That restaurant is very cheap/ expensive. I don’t have enough money for lunch there.

8. I have one aunt/ uncle. He’s my father’s brother.

Exercise 10. Read the letter and choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank space.

Dear Anna,

Thank you (1)…………… your letter. I’m in the country with my friend, Hung. He lives in (2)……………. old house. But it is beautiful. In front of the house, there is a (3)…………… garden. Behind (4)…………… the house, there is a well. To the left of the house, there are paddy fields. To the right of the house, there are (5)………….. Here is a photo.

Tham khảo thêm:   Top 10 hệ thống quản lý nội dung trực tuyến tốt nhất

(Picture related to the text)

1. A. about B. for C with D. of

2. A. a B. the C. an D. ___

3. A. vegetable B. trees C. vegetables D. flowers

4. A. of B. to C. from D. ___

5.A. tree B. mountain C. flowers D. store

Your answers






Đáp án bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 4



Exercise 1. Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct.

1. square 2. circle 3. triangle 4. rectangle 5. oval

6. diamond 7. long 8. short 9. curly 10. straight

Exercise 2. Use the words to complete the sentences (word given in the box).

1. lovely 2. handsome 3. humorous

4. pretty 5. cheerful 6. sporty

Exercise 3. Find the different soundof these groups of words.

1.B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B

Exercise 4. Read and complete the text with in; with; at; on and of.

1.in 2.in 3. of 4. at 5.at

6.with 7. in 8. on 9. in10. of

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences by using the correct possessive form of the nouns in parentheses.

0.children’s 1. girl’s 2. girls’ 3. person’s

4.people’s 5. students’ 6. brother’s 7. brothers’

8. dog’s 9. dogs’ 10. children’s

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with prepositions of time (on; at; in; from; to).

1.at 2. from/ to 3. in 4. on 5. on/ on

6.at 7. in 8. in 9. from/ to 10. on

Exercise 7. Circle the word in each group which is different.

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A

Exercise 8. Circle correct the word in each sentence.

1. Italy 2. wrong 3. play 4. hot

5. singer 6. go 7. expensive 8. uncle

Exercise 10. Read the letter and choose the word (a,b,c,or d) that best fits each of the blank space.

1. C (for) 2. B (an) 3. A (vegetable)

4. D (___) 5. B (flowers)

Cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi bài viết Ngữ pháp và bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 4 chương trình mới Tổng hợp kiến thức và bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 4 của Wikihoc.com nếu thấy bài viết này hữu ích đừng quên để lại bình luận và đánh giá giới thiệu website với mọi người nhé. Chân thành cảm ơn.


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