Bạn đang xem bài viết ✅ Bài tập ôn thi học kì 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 Tài liệu ôn tập lớp 12 môn tiếng Anh ✅ tại website Wikihoc.com có thể kéo xuống dưới để đọc từng phần hoặc nhấn nhanh vào phần mục lục để truy cập thông tin bạn cần nhanh chóng nhất nhé.

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Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 theo từng bài

Unit 1 – Life stories

I. Write the words given in the box next to their meanings.

distinguished achievement respectable talented generosity

1……………………….….gifted, having a natural ability to do something well.

2……………………….…very successful and admired by other people.

3……………………….….regarded by society as acceptable, proper and correct.

4……………………….…kindness or willingness to give.

5……………………….…something that has been obtained by hard work, ability or effort.

II. Fill in each sentence with a word from the box.

distinguished achievement respectable talented generosity

1. Alexandre Yersin, who had quite a …………………. career in medicine, devoted his life to the poor and sick people in Vietnam.

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2. Hard-working and …………….. students should be given more opportunities to develop their skills.

3. The new album is one of his greatest ………………………. It sold 50,000 copies just in the first week.

4. After my father got a well-paid job at an international company, we moved to a …….…………… neighbourhood.

5. Don’t allow other people to take advantage of your ………………….. You should learn to give wisely.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuos

1. This morning when the alarm clock (go) …..……… off, I (have) ………………… a sweet dream.

2. Carol (meet) …………….. her husband while she (travel) …………………… in Europe.

3. I (work) …………… on my computer when there (be) ………………..a sudden power cut and all my data (be) …………………..lost.

4. When we (share) ………………. a room two years ago, Lin (always, take) ……………………. My

things without asking.

5. When Tom (call) ………………… yesterday, I (do) ………………… the washing-up in the kitchen,

so I (not hear) ……………………….. the phone.

6. Frank (constantly, ask) ………………….. for money last year when he (be) ………. still out of work.

7. Mark (request) ……………….. complete silence when he (compose) …………………… music.

8. In 1417, Nguyen Trai (join) ………..the army of Le Loi, who (then, lead) …………………. the resistance movement in the mountainous regions.

IV. Complete the gaps with the where necessary. If an article is not necessary, write a cross (x)

1. Here’s …………… book you asked to borrow.

2. There are some reports on ………….. oil slick in ……………. Mediterranean Sea.

3 ………….. kangaroos are found only in ………….. Australia.

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4. Angelina is working for a charitable organisation that helps ………….. people with disabilities.

5. Is …………. United Arab Emirates part of ………… South Asia or ………….Middle East?

6. Last summer, we travelled to many places. We visited ………Taj Mahal in ……… India, climbed ……… Mount Everest in …………..Himalayas, and took a cruise to ………….. Bahamas.

7. I love ……….. Spain. I find …………. Spanish very friendly, but I can’t say much in ………. Spanish.

8. My favourite pastime is playing …………. guitar, but my best friend prefers playing ………… tennis.

V. Complete the gaps with a, an or a cross (x) if an article is not necessary.

1. There’s ……… chance that she’ll win the competition again.

2. What ………. nice weather! Let’s go for ………. picnic.

3. I went to see …….. Dr Nga yesterday because I had ……fever. She asked me to stay in …….. bed for two days.

4. My friend Brian is ……..Scot. On ………. special occasions, he wears …… kilt and plays the bagpipe.

5. I’m not talking about …… global warming, but traffic congestion. This is quite …. different problem

in our city.

6. The teacher gave us ……. test on ……. indefinite articles yesterday. It wasn’t easy, but I could

get …….. good mark in the test.

7. I like …………. ice cream, but I’m not in the mood for …………… ice cream now.

8. A: Let’s go for ………….coffee.

B: No, thanks. I don’t drink …………… coffee.


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