Bạn đang xem bài viết ✅ Chuyên đề câu so sánh môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 Ôn thi vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh ✅ tại website Wikihoc.com có thể kéo xuống dưới để đọc từng phần hoặc nhấn nhanh vào phần mục lục để truy cập thông tin bạn cần nhanh chóng nhất nhé.

Chuyên đề so sánh là một trong những nội dung rất quan trọng trong chuyên đề ôn thi vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh. 

Đây là tài liệu hữu ích, bao gồm toàn bộ cấu trúc các loại câu so sánh khác nhau như: câu so sánh bằng, câu so sánh hơn, câu so sánh hơn nhất, bảng Tính từ/ Trạng từ bất quý tắc và nhiều dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh khác nhau giúp các em học sinh lớp 9 nắm chắc chuyên đề Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh để có được kết quả cao trong các bài kiểm tra, bài thi lớp 10. Mời các bạn cùng theo dõi và tải tài liệu tại đây.

I. Lý thuyết về câu so sánh thi vào lớp 10

→ Short and long adjectives (Tính từ ngắn và tính từ dài):

Tính từ ngắn là tính từ có một âm tiết. Tính từ có hai âm tiết trở lên là tính từ dài.

e.g: Long, short, nice, dry,…là tính từ ngắn.

Careful, careless, complicated, bored,… là tính từ dài.

→ Short and long adverbs (Trạng từ ngắn và trạng từ dài):

Trạng từ ngắn là trạng từ có một âm tiết. Trạng từ có hai âm tiết trở lên là trạng từ dài.

e.g: Hard, fast, late, soon, …là những trạng từ ngắn.

Quickly, interestingly, tiredly, slowly…là những trạng từ dài.

→ Lưu ý: Các tính từ hai âm tiết tận cùng là “y”, “ow’’, “le”, “er”, “et” thì ta coi như tính từ ngắn.

e.g: Happy, lovely, lazy, busy, narrow, simple, clever, quiet,…

Early được coi như trạng từ ngắn.

1. I. Equal degree (So sánh bằng):

S1 + (be/ V)c + as + adj / adv + as + S2 + ( be/ Trợ động từ)c
+ O

e.g: She is as tall as I am = She is as tall as me. (Cô ấy cao bằng tôi.)

He runs as quickly as I do = He runs as quickly as me. (Anh ấy chạy nhanh như tôi.)

2. Comparatives: (So sánh hơn):

S1 + (be/ V)c + adj/ adv (short) + er + than + S2 + ( be/ Trợ động từ)c / O
+ more adj/ adv (long)

e.g: My friend did the test more carefully than I did. = My friend did the test more carefully than me. (Bạn tôi làm bài kiểm tra cẩn thận hơn tôi.)

He is more intelligent than I am. = He is more intelligent than me. (Anh ấy thông minh hơn tôi.)

John is stronger than his brother.

He runs faster than I do.

III.Superlatives (So sánh nhất):

S + (be/ V)c + the + adj / adv (short) + est
+ most + adj / adv (long)
Tham khảo thêm:   Toán 10 Bài 1: Số gần đúng. Sai số Giải SGK Toán 10 trang 26 - Tập 2 sách Cánh diều

g: That was the happinest day of my life.

Maria is the most beautiful in my class.

Cheetah runs the fastest in the world.

Of the students in my class, Nam speaks English the most fluently.

Double comparatives (So sánh kép):

  • Càng …càng…:

II. Bài tập về câu so sánh ôn thi vào lớp 10

EXERCISE 1. Give the correct form of the adjectives and adverbs in brackets:

1. This chair is ……….…………….. than that one. (comfortable)

2. Your flat is ………………………………. than mine. (large)

3. The weather today is …………………………… than it was yesterday. (hot)

4. The Nile is the ……………….……….. river in the world. (long)

5. Chinese bicycles are ……….……………….. than Japanese ones. (bad)

6. Mathematics is …………………………….. than English. (difficult)

7. Ho Chi Minh is the ………….……………. city in Viet Nam. (big)

8. He drives …………..……………than his friend. (careful)

9. She sings ………………………….. in this school. (beautiful)

10. I read ……………………..……….. than my sister. (slow)

11. Grace is ……………………………….. girl in our class. (old)

12. This exercise is ………..….…………..than that one. (easy)

13. He is twice …………..………..as you. (fat)

14. Nam is …………….……….. student of all. (noisy)

15. My cold is …………..……….. today than it was yesterday. (good)

EXERCISE 2. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences:

1. The more she smiles , ……………. she becomes.

A. more graceful

B. the most graceful

C. most graceful

D. the more graceful

2. Hotels have developed …………………… restaurants.

A. as rapidly as

B. so rapidly as

C. as rapid as

D. more rapid

3. Can Tho bridge is the …………………… one in the South of Viet Nam.

A. long

B. shortest

C. longest

D. longer

4. Albert Einstein’s contributions to scientific theory were ……………. those of Galileo and Newton.

A. important than

B. more important

C. the most important

D. as important as

5. Impalas cannot move as ……………. cheetahs but they are more efficient runners.

A. faster than

B. fast as

C. fast

D. are fast as

6. Both are informative articles, but this one is ……………. .

A. best

B. the best

C. most

D. better

7. She is the .………… girl in our town.

A. more beautiful

B. beauty

C. most beautiful

D. more beautifully

8. The harder you learn………….

A. The better is your English

B. The better will be your English

C. The better becomes your English

D. The better your English will be

9. Jim is the …………….. in his class.

A. clever

B. cleverest

C. cleverer

D. more clever

10. Of the two shirts, this one is ……………….

A. the prettiest

B. the most pretty

C. prettier

D. the prettier

11. Your house is …………….. mine.

A. as bigger as

B. many times as big as

C. much big as

D. not many times big

12. Last year it wasn’t as cold as this year.

A. This year it is as colder than last year.

B. This year it is colder than last year.

Tham khảo thêm:   Viết đoạn văn tưởng tượng cảnh Tin-tin và Mi-tin bước vào khu vườn kì diệu Viết đoạn văn tưởng tượng - Tiếng Việt 4 Cánh diều

C. This year it isn’t as cold as last year.

D. This year it isn’t colder than last year.

13. She is older than me.

A. I’m more younger than her.

B. I’m as younger as her.

C. I’m more young than her.

D. I’m younger than her.

14. The test is not …………………

A. as difficult as it was last month.

B. so difficult as it was last month

C. more difficult as it was last month.

D. Both A & B are correct

15. The Nile River is ………………… of all.

A. longer

B. the longest

C. long

D. longest

16. ……………… we read, ……………… we know.

A. The most/ the most

B. The more/ the more

C. Most/ most

D. More/ more

17. It gets ………………. Let’s go swimming.

A. hot and hot

B. the more hot

C. more and more hot

D. hotter and hotter

18. Peter usually drives ……………… Mary.

A. more fast

B. more fast than

C. more fast

D. faster

19. The problem seems to be ………………

A. more serious

B. more serious than

C. more serious as

D. more and more serious

20. Peter can not earn ……………… his wife.

A. as many money as

B. as much money as

C. as many money than

D. as much money than

21. Prices get ………………

A. high and high

B. highest and highest

C. more and more high

D. higher and higher

22. The more manufacturers advise, ……………… they sell.

A. the most products

B. the products more

C. the more products

D. most products

23. …………….. a car is …………….. it is.

A. The more expensive/ the comfortabler

B. The most expensive/ the most comfortable

C. The more expensive/ the more comfortable

D. The less expensive/ the more comfortable

24. Of the five students. Mary is ……………..

A. more intelligent

B. the more intelligent

C. most intelligent

D. the most intelligent

25. Steel is ……………. than wood.

A. more heavy

B. as heavy

C. heavier

D. more heavier

26. A super market is …………………… a shopping center.

A. less convenient as

B. less convenient than

C. not so convenient than

D. the most convenient as

27. Viet Nam becomes …………………… to foreign tourists.

A. more and most attractive

B. the more attractive

C. much and more attractive

D. more and more attractive

28. This car is …………………… than mine.

A. less expensive

B. as expensive

C. expensive

D. not so expensive

29. Tim’s grades are …………………… than John.

A. worse

B. worst

C. as bad

D. so bad

30. The …………………… we start, the sooner we will be back.

A. early

B. earliest

C. earlier

D. more early

EXERCISE 3. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before it.

1. My kitchen is smaller than yours.

→ Your kitchen ……………………………

2. No one in the class is taller than Dave.

→ Dave is ………………………………

3. Mum doesn’t speak English as well as Dad.

Tham khảo thêm:   Công văn 975/2012/GSQL-TH Vướng mắc C/O mẫu AI

→ Dad ……………………………………

4. Lan is better cook than Hoa.

→ Hoa can’t ………………………………

5. No restaurant in the city is better than that one.

→ That restaurant is ……………………

6. This watch is worse than that one.

→ That watch ……………………

7. My sister writes more carefully than she did.

→ My sister …………………………

8. This story is more interesting than any other story that I have ever read.

→ This is the ………………………

9. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever known.

→ I’ve never …………………………..

10. Peter does not drive so carefully as Tom.

→ Tom……………………………


1. Mr. Brown receives a …………. salary than anyone else in the company.

A. bigHotwordStyle=None;

B. more biggerHotwordStyle=None;

C. biggerHotwordStyle=None;

D. the bigger

2. My young brother grew very quickly and soon he was ……….. my mother.

A. more big thanHotwordStyle=None;

B. so big thanHotwordStyle=None;

C. as big asHotwordStyle=None;

D. too big than

3. He is not ……………………tall as his father.

A. the

B. as

C. than

D. more

4. John’s grades are ………………..than his sister’s.

A. higher

B. more high

C. high

D. the highest

5. Deana is the …………………… of the three sisters.

A. most short

B. shorter

C. shortest

D. more short

6. She speaks English as ………………. as her friend does.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. the best

7. Of the three shirts, this one is the ………………… .

A. prettier

B. most prettiest

C. prettiest

D. most pretty

8. The baby’s illness is ………………… than we thought at first.

A. bad

B. worst

C. worse

D. badly

9. Today is the ………………… day of the month.

A. hot

B. hotter

C. hottest

D. hottest than

10 He works more ………………….. than I.

A. slow

B. slowly

C. slowest

D. most slowly

11. My book is as …………………. as yours.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. the best

12. I love you ………………….. than I can say.

A. much

B. many

C. more

D. the most

13. It’s ……………… to go by bus than by car.

A. cheaper

B. cheapest

C. more cheap

D. more cheaper

14. That house is ……………… one on the street.

A. oldest

B. the oldest

C. old

D. older

15. I can’t cook as well as my mother does.

A. My mother can cook better than I can.

B. My mother can’t cook better than I can.

C. My mother can cook well than I can.

D. I can cook better than my mother can.

16. My interview lasted longer than yours.

A. Your interview wasn’t as short as mine.

B. Your interview was shorter than mine.

C. Your interview was as long as mine.

D. Your interview was longer than mine.


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