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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Friends Plus






1. Language contents:

– Vocabulary: (n) at school, at the shops, in bed, in fast food restaurants, in the car, in the countryside, in the park, in the playground, on the bus, on the phone, in front of the TV, in your room

2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to get some more knowledge about where and how they spend their time.

3. Skills:

Main skills : reading and listening skills.

Sub skills : speaking and writing skills.

4. Attitude: be confident to talk about where and how students spend their time.

5. Competences:

Talk about places where students spend their time, using key phrases.

Talk about how students spend their time, using the suggested ideas in the reading quiz (the amount of time they spend on doing something, and their feeling about these activities)


1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….

Tham khảo thêm:   Bộ đề thi học kì 2 môn Khoa học lớp 5 năm 2017-2018 theo Thông tư 22 Đề kiểm tra học kì 2 môn Khoa học lớp 5 có bảng ma trận đề thi

2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES: Qs& As, games, visualize….





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss – T / Ss – Ss / (5’)

• Ask students to work in pairs to think of 5 items that can be found in these places: countryside, park, fast food restaurant, school

• Teacher asks some pairs to report back to the class.

• Work in pairs and think of the possible items.

• Report to the class.

In the countryside, we can find farm lands, animals, trees, rivers and fruits.

II. PRESENTATION. T – Ss – T / Ss – Ss / Indiv.(10’)

Set context:

• Call out some students to answer the questions.

“What are your favorite places? Where do you spend most of your time?”

• Lead to the topic of the lesson – Where we spend time

Teach new vocabulary:

• Use pictures and explanations to present new words.

• Ask students to practice their pronunciation drills.

New words:

fast food restaurant (n)

playground (n)

countryside (n)

research (n)

journey (n)

teenager (n)

screen (n)

– Some students will answer the question (talk about their favorite places).

– Listen to the teacher.

– Look, listen and repeat in chorus and individuals


“What are your favorite places?

Where do you spend most of your time?”

New words:

fast food restaurant /fɑːst ˈfuːd ˌres.trɒnt/

playground /ˈpleɪ.ɡraʊnd/

countryside (n) /ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd/

research (n) /ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/

journey (n) /dʒɜː.ni/

teenager (n) /ˈtiːnˌeɪ.dʒɚ/

screen (n) /skriːn/

III. PRACTICE. T – Ss – T/ S – S/ Indiv.

Activity 1(5’) Match the phrases in the box with places 1-12 in the picture.Listen and check.

• Ask students to work in pairs to match the words to the correct places in the picture.

• Give the answers to the class.

Activity 2(5’) Complete the Time of Your Life quiz with words from Exercise 1. Then choose the correct option in blue.

• Ask students to read the quiz and complete it in pairs.

• Check students’ answers.

Activity 3(5’) Watch or listen again. Who likes seeing friends at the weekend, Emilia, Elijah, or Renee? Who goes to school by bus, Harry, Lily, or Darius?

• Play the video / audio again for students to answer the questions.

• Ask students to check the answers in pairs.

• Check answers with the class.

• Ask the students to complete the key phrases.

Key Phrases:

1. I spend all of my time …

2. I spend too much time ….

3. We spend most of our time …

4. I spend a bit of time …

5. I don’t spend a lot of time …

6. Do you spend much time …?

7. I don’t spend more than ….

8. I don’t spend any time ….

– Work in pairs to do the task.

– Listen and identify word stress then note down the places.

– Read the quiz and complete it in pairs.

– Check the answers.

– Watch or listen, to give answers.

– Check the answers in pairs.

– Check the answers with the teacher.

Suggested answers

1. in the park

2. at the shops

3. in the countryside

4. in the car

5. in fast food restaurants

6. in bed

7. in your room

8. on the bus

9. in front of the TV

10. on the phone

11. at school

12. in the playground

Suggested answers

1. in bed

2. in the car

3. school

4. playground

5. in fast food restaurants

6. at the shops

7. front of the TV

A. 9 hours

B. 40 minutes

C. 7 days, 14 hours

D. 67 minutes

E. 50 hours

Suggested answers:

Renee likes seeing friends at the weekend.

Darius goes to school by bus.

Suggested answers to the key phrases:

1. I spend all of my time on my phone.

2. I spend too much time in front of screens.

3. We spend most of our time at the shops.

4. I spend a bit of time in my room.

5. I don’t spend a lot of time in bed.

6. Do you spend much time on your homework?

7. I don’t spend more than an hour.

8. I don’t spend any time in bed.

IV. PRODUCTION. T – Ss – T/ S – S / Indiv.

Activity 1(10’)Use it!

• Read through the questions in Exercise 6 with the whole class.

• Ask students to prepare the answers individually.

• Remind the students to use the structures in Exercise 5 – Key Phrases.

• Suggest some grammar structures in Exercise 2 for students.

• Ask students to work in pairs, asking and answering the four questions in Exercise 6.

Ask some students to tell the class some information about their partners.

Activity 2(5’)

Consolidation: Vocabulary (Optional)

– Ask students to close books, write the nouns from Exercises 1 and 3 on the board, e.g. school, room, phone.

– Put students into teams.

– Teams take it in turns to choose a noun and say a sentence using it and the correct preposition, e.g. I like being at school, I don’t mind being in my room.

– If the sentence is correct, the team gets a point and the noun is crossed off.

– Continue until there is no noun left and see which team has the most points.

– Work in pairs to talk about how they spend their time using Key Phrases and some grammar structures.

– Tell the class about their partners.

– Work in teams and do the activity.

– Check the answers with the whole class.

Love / Like / Hate / Don’t mind + Being …

E.g.: I love being in bed.

I don’t mind being on the bus

V. Homework. (2’)

– Give homework.

– Take notes

V. Homework

V. Homework

– Learn by heart all the new words.

– Workbook: Exercises 1, 2 page 12.

– Prepare Lesson 2 – Reading.

Tham khảo thêm:   Công văn 9979/VPCP-KGVX Về chủ trương đầu tư Trung tâm ứng dụng robot trong phẫu thuật nội soi nhi khoa



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